JEM-120i Electron Microscope | Products | JEOL Ltd.
Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM) with 120kV accelerating voltage are widely used in soft material fields such as biology and polymer. We newly developed JEM-120i with the concept of "Compact", "Easy To Use", and "Expandable".
Transmission Electron Microscope | Cryomicroscopy - JEOL USA
JEM-120i Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM) of 120kV accelerating voltage are widely used in soft material fields such as biology and polymer. We developed the JEM-120i with the concept of "Compact", "Easy To Use", and "Expandable".
A Useful Tool for Every User! New Electron Microscope JEM-120i Re
May 30, 2024 · The JEM-120i adopts a totally new appearance and compact design that fits any installation location. The footprint has been reduced by more than 50%, and the volume occupied by the instrument is less than one-third of that of conventional models, enabling effective use of …
New Electron Microscope JEM-120i Released - JEOL
May 30, 2024 · The JEM-120i adopts a totally new appearance and compact design that fits any installation location. The footprint has been reduced by more than 50%, and the volume occupied by the instrument is less than one-third of that of conventional models, enabling effective use of …
JEM-120i 電子顕微鏡 | 製品情報 | JEOL 日本電子株式会社
加速電圧120 kVの透過電子顕微鏡 (TEM) は、生物・高分子といったソフトマテリアルの分野で多く利用されています。 今回、『Compact』,『 Easy To Use』,『 Expandable』をコンセプトとして新たにJEM-120i を開発しました。 外観を一新するだけでなく、操作からメンテナンスまでどなたでも簡単に使える装置へと進化しました。 JEM-120iは大幅なサイズダウンにより、フィラメント交換位置や試料ホルダーの挿入位置が従来より低くなりました。 さらに、カート …
JEM-120i - JEOL (Germany) GmbH and Nordic (AB)
From imaging cryogenic samples to elemental analysis of materials science samples, from high-throughput asbestos analysis using a quartet holder to teaching students, the JEM-120i easily handles any task.
Introducing the new JEM-120i Electron Microscope - JEOL Benelux
May 30, 2024 · JEOL's brand new 120kV Transmission Electron Microscope, the JEM-120i • Brand new appearance and compact design • Enhanced TEM control system and fully automated apertures • Only four steps from loading a specimen to completing an observation
Jeol JEM-120I Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM)
Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM) of 120kV accelerating voltage are widely used in soft material fields such as biology and polymer. We developed the JEM-120i with the concept of 'Compact', 'Easy To Use', and 'Expandable'.
A Useful Tool for Every User! - New Electron Microscope JEM-120i ... - JEOL
To satisfy such needs, the JEM-120i has evolved into a next-generation microscope that is easy to use, from operation to maintenance, for both beginner and experienced users. Get more info on the dedicated product page.
Introducing the new JEM-120i Electron Microscope - JEOL UK
May 30, 2024 · JEOL announces the release of two new Cross Section Polishers for Electron Microscopes. ☑ New GUI and Internet of Things (IoT) ~ user-friendly and remote control-enabled. ☑ High throughput ion source. ☑ High throughput cooling system ~ auto cooling and auto return to room temperature.
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