JEOL JSM-5510 | David Cockayne Centre for Electron Microscopy
The JEOL JSM-5510LV has a tungsten filament and operates between 0.5 and 30 kV. It has a resolution of 3.5 nm at 30 kV in high vacuum mode and 4.5 nm in low vacuum mode. Its pressure range is 1 to 270Pa. The instrument features an Oxford Instruments SDD dteector and AZtec EDS analysis software.
JSM-5510 SEM - University College Cork
Feb 6, 2014 · The Jeol Scanning Electron Microscope (JSM 5510) operates at voltages up to 30kV, and has an Oxford Instruments Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy detector attachment for elemental analysis. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) images the sample surface by scanning it with a high-energy beam of electrons in a raster scan pattern.
【販売終了】JSM-5510/5510LV 汎用形SEM | 製品情報 - JEOL
充実したオート機能と簡単に最適条件を設定することができるレシピ機能および簡易DTP機能(オプション)により真空排気、像観察、レポート作成までの一連の作業を効率よく行えます。 またズームコンデンサレンズは、高分解能観察とEDSによる元素分析時、プローブ電流を変えてもフォーカスと観察位置が変わらず、使いやすい高性能光学系です 。 わかりやすく解説しています。 日本電子 (JEOL)公式サイト。 【販売終了】JSM-5510/5510LV 汎用形SEM | 製品情 …
JEOL JSM 5510 SEM used for sale price #9134197, 2002 > buy …
JEOL JSM 5510 is a top-of-the-line scanning electron microscope offering an advanced design with an extended field of view offering high-resolution imaging, analysis and video capturing capabilities, along with a unique low vacuum imaging chamber for non-conductive samples.
Used JEOL JSM 5510 LV #293657551 for sale - caeonline.com
JEOL JSM 5510 LV is a highly advanced Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) offering superior resolution and unique imaging capabilities, magnifications up to 100,000x, energy dispersive X-ray detector and a range of features to support research and development.
Jeol JSM 5510 Scanning electron microscope - Exapro
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Used JEOL JSM 5510 LV #9236006 for sale - caeonline.com
JEOL JEM 5510 is a powerful scanning electron microscope with a tungsten filament cathode that provides high-resolution and high-throughput imaging of specimens with resolution down to 0.5 nm, automated sample scanning, and software capabilities for data processing.
Jeol – JSM – 5510LV Specifications: - HV (high vacuum) mode resolution – 3,5nm - LV (low vacuum ) mode resolution – 4,5 nm Magnification – x18 to 300 000 (in 136 steps) Accelerating voltage – 0.5 to 30kV (53 steps) Low vacuum – 1 to 270 Pa (Pascal) Specimen size – 32mm dia. Auto functions: - auto filament saturation (ASF)
SEM Series | Analytical SEM | Supplier - JEOL USA
JEOL’s Intelligent Technology delivers seamless navigation from optical to SEM imaging, Live EDS both spectrum and X-ray maps and the best auto functions from alignment to focus for fast, clear, and sharp images.
JSM-5510, by JEOL - Product detail - Pubcompare
The JSM-5510 is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed for high-resolution imaging and analysis of a wide range of materials. It features a tungsten filament electron source, secondary electron and backscattered electron detectors, and a variable pressure capability to examine samples without the need for extensive sample preparation.
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