JISC60068-2-11:1989 環境試験方法(電気・電子)塩水噴霧試験 …
2019年7月1日の法改正により名称が変わりました。 まえがきを除き,本規格中の「日本工業規格」を「日本産業規格」に読み替えてください。 1. 適用範囲及び目的 この規格は,類似した構造の部品,機器又はその他の製品(以下,供試品という。 の塩水噴霧に対する耐劣化性の比較試験の方法について規定する。 なお,この試験方法は,保護被膜の品質と均一性を調べることを目的とする。 参考 この規格は,IEC 68-2-11 Basic environmental testing procedures. Part 2 : …
JIS-C-0023 | Part 2: Tests- Test Ka: Salt Mist, Basic Environmental ...
JIS-C-0023 › Historical Revision Information Part 2: Tests- Test Ka: Salt Mist, Basic Environmental Testing Procedures
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee:Publication of JIS
Publication of JIS . All JIS are published by Japanese Standards Association (JSA). English versions of JIS are published by JSA. Contact point of JSA
JISC-Japanese Industrial Standards CommitteeJISC-Japanese …
The Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Japan's national standardization body, plays a central role in developing standards in Japan covering a wide range of products and technologies from robots to pictograms.
Japanese Industrial Standards - Wikipedia
Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) (日本産業規格, Nihon Sangyō Kikaku, formerly 日本工業規格 Nihon Kōgyō Kikaku until June 30, 2019) are the standards used for industrial activities in Japan, coordinated by the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC) and published by the Japanese Standards Association (JSA). The JISC is ...
JIS - Japanese Industrial Standards - The Engineering ToolBox
JIS - Japanese Industrial Standards specifies the standards used for industrial activities in Japan. The standardization process is coordinated by Japanese Industrial Standards Committee - JISC - and published through Japanese Standards Association - JSA.
JIS C0023-1989 中文版 环境试验方法(电气、电子)盐雾试验方法
C 0023-1989 Basic Environmental Testing Procedures Part 2 : Test Ka : Salt mist 1. 适用范围及目的 本标准适用于类似的结构零件、机器或其他产品(以下称为试件相对盐雾的耐老化性之比较试验方法。 本试验方法的目的在于检查保护膜的品质和均匀性。
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee:About This Site - JISC
JISC has created this website in adherence to the JIS standards on accessibility of web contents ›ISX8341-3 Guidelines for all people including the elderly and people with disabilities – Telecommunication equipment, software, and services – Part 3: Web contents. ƒ However, some pages contain contents for which adequate consideration of ...
JIS B 0023:1996 English Edition - $30.40 : JIS Standards, Online store
This Standard defines and describes the maximum material requirement and specifies its application. The use of the maximum material requirement facilitates manufacture without disturbing the free assembly of parts where there is a mutual dependence of size and geometry.
Jis B 0023 96 | PDF - Scribd
Introduction 0.1 The assembly of parts depends on the relationship between the actual size and actual geometrical deviation of the features being fitted together, such as the bolt holes in two …
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