Jack Binns ~ Wireless Hero
The story of the Florida/Republic rescue and more in Binns’ own words, illustrated and annotated by his granddaughter, Virginia Utermohlen Lovelace, to give you a picture of the times, the technology, the terror, and the triumph.
Jack Binns ~ Chronology of his Life
Chronology of Jack Binns' Professional Life 1884 ~ Jack Binns is born in Brigg, Lincolnshire, September 16th. He is raised by his maternal grandmother and uncle in Peterborough, Northhamptonshire, where his uncle is a tailor of modest means.
Jack Binns ~ The Collision, the Rescue, and the Aftermath
Despite heroic efforts to tow it to shallow waters, it sank to 40 fathoms below the ocean south of Nantucket, while her captain and skeleton crew, including Jack Binns, were saved.
Coming events! - Jack Binns
Available NOW on Amazon: Jack Binns to the Rescue—the story of the Florida/Republic rescue and more in Binns’ own words, illustrated and annotated by Virginia, to give you a picture of the times, the technology, the terror, and the triumph.
Virginia, Jack Binns' granddaughter
Binns frequently “babysat” Virginia and her baby sister on Saturday afternoons, talking to Virginia about his life, watching baseball on TV, and doing diagramless crossword puzzles while her younger sister napped.
Jack Binns ~ Interesting Links
The web is rich in websites that mention the Republic-Florida collision and/or Jack Binns. Here is a selection: