DotA Hero Strategy Guide - Jah'rakal, The Troll Warlord - Dota …
Jah’rakal goes berserk, using his throwing axes as a melee weapon. He gains 27 minimum damage and 12 maximum damage, 100 HP, 3 armor, 7% move speed, and the Bash ability, but can only attack at melee range. Level 1 - Bash has a 5% chance to deal 25 bonus damage and stun for 2 seconds.
Jah'rakal - Troll Warlord, Skills, Item Builds | DotA Builds
Only a hotheaded young Warlord called Jah'rakal joined the Sentinel. Known as "Blinding Axe" in troll tongue, both for the blinding speed of his axes and his trademark blind technique, his unstoppable rampages have already made him a legend among his Allies.
Troll Warlord, Jah'rakal: Skills and Item Build | DotA Allstars
May 28, 2011 · Jah'rakal se vuelve frenético y usa sus hachas arrojadizas como armas de melee. Él gana más daño, velocidad de movimiento y ataque, puntos de vida, armadura, y la habilidad Bash, pero sólo puede atacar en rango melee. Nivel 1 : Bash tiene una probabilidad de 10% de hacer 20 de daño extra y stunear por 0.8 segundos.
Troll Warlord (DotA) | Dota Wiki | Fandom
Jah'rakal the Troll Warlord is a hero from Dota Allstars. He is based in the Agility Sentinel Tavern. Troll is a master of the axe, learning axe skills in all forms of combat. When in melee form, summons magical axes to whirl around him in a circle. When in ranged form, the Troll Warlord hurls several axes in a cone formation.
Troll Guide & Build - Jah’rakal the Troll Warlord Strategy
Jah`rakal goes berserk, using his throwing axes as a melee weapon. He gains bonus damage, hit points, armor, and the Bash ability, but can only attack at melee range. Level 1 - 5% chance to deal 25 bonus damage and stun. Level 2 - 5% chance to deal 50 bonus damage and stun. Level 3 - 10% chance to deal 25 bonus damage and stun.
Troll Warlord,Jah'rakal,item build - Dota Strategy Build Tips
Healing Salve – This item helps Troll Warlord to regenerate more fast whenever he is in a low health condition. Ironwood Branch – This item grants each attributes for Troll Warlord giving her more strength and toughness. Magic Stick – This helps you to counter spell caster enemy heroes.
Jah’rakal - Troll Warlord Walkthrough Guide - DotA Bite - Feed …
• When Jah'rakal goes into melee mode he gets the following bonuses: +20 Movement Speed (+30 at level 4 of the skill), +15 damage, reduces his base attack time to 1.55, the Bash ability and 100 extra HP. • The stun goes through magic immunity.
Dota Views: TROLL WARLORD — Jah’rakal | Skill Build | DotA
May 10, 2013 · TROLL WARLORD — Jah’rakal | Skill Build | DotA Troll Warlord — Jah’rakal is a full Carry hero that ensembles high physical damage and attack speed. He is also a great Initiator and a support, nevertheless he is very versatile and dangerous when equipped with powerful items early in the game.
Troll Warlord Item Build | Dota Heroes Item Builds - Blogger
Aug 18, 2013 · Jah'rakal is Agility hero who has the best attack speed in Dota. He was able to tearing apart enemies with attacks launched. Attack speed it’s capable of triggering Bash so the enemy will have difficulty escaping.
dotA Item Build on Troll Warlord, Jah'Rakal - Blogger
Oct 4, 2013 · This guide is about my findings and what I think can maximize Troll's effectiveness in casual Dota. This is also my first guide and item/skill/gameplay suggestions are welcome! Please comment and rate but only rate after you read the entire guide!
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