Jasperoid - Wikipedia
Jasperoid is a rare, peculiar type of metasomatic alteration and occurs in two main forms; sulfidic jasperoids and hematitic jasperoids. True jasperoids are different from jaspillite, which is a …
Jasperoid in the United States; its characteristics, origin, and ...
Jasperoid in the United States; its characteristics, origin, and economic significance Professional Paper 710 By: T.G. Lovering
The origin of jasperoid in limestone | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
This paper considers only those jasperoids formed by replacement of limestone. Major problems involved in the origin of such jasperoid include: source of the silica; nature of solutions that …
Jasperoid is a rock composed dominantly of silica, most commonly quartz, that has formed largely by epigenetic re placement. It is a common product of hydrothermal alteration of carbonate …
The origin of jasperoid in limestone | Economic Geology
This paper considers only those jasperoids formed by replacement of limestone. Major problems involved in the origin of such jasperoid include: source of the silica; nature of solutions that …
Definition of jasperoid - mindat.org
Definition of jasperoid i. A dense, usually gray, chertlike siliceous rock, in which chalcedony or cryptocrystalline quartz has replaced the carbonate minerals of limestone or dolomite; a …
Jasperoid - Wikiwand
Jasperoid is a rare, peculiar type of metasomatic alteration and occurs in two main forms; sulfidic jasperoids and hematitic jasperoids. True jasperoids are different from jaspillite, which is a …
Geology and geochemistry of jasperoids from the Gold Bar district ...
Jan 1, 2006 · Four types of jasperoids, J0, J1, J2, and J3, were distinguished on the basis of their geologic and structural settings and appearance. Field relations suggest that J0 formed during …
Jasperoid, a microcrystalline silica rock, occurs in bold outcrops along the crest of the Magdalenas and along the west-facing dip slope. It is the focus of this study, because in …
Jasperoid in the United States; its characteristics, origin, and ...
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