Run Java Code Online - Stack Overflow
Jan 20, 2017 · OpenCode appears to be a project at the MIT Media Lab for running Java Code online in a web browser interface. Years ago, I played around a lot at TopCoder. It runs a Java …
Compiling java code and creating jar online - Stack Overflow
Jul 16, 2012 · My problem: I have JDK 1.7 version on my machine. The jar I created with this does not run on my Unix machine as it has JRE 1.4 installed (I don't have admin rights to this …
How to generate Java from online UML models? - Stack Overflow
Jul 18, 2013 · There is one generator that allows you to produce Java source code from a UML model. This module uses the standard UML2 metamodel provided by Eclipse Foundation and …
Tool to convert java to c# code - Stack Overflow
Aug 3, 2015 · Spent 2 days trying to get Sharpen to build and run, but it is an Eclipse plugin, so the task proved impossible, mostly due to Eclipse being the worst piece of software ever …
How to obfuscate Java code quickly? - Stack Overflow
There is a good reason to keep the mapping. If the client ever sends you a stacktrace, it can be very useful to know where in the code that stacktrace came from. The purpose of an …
Automatic creation of complete class diagram from Java project
select Java in the global menu Languages; for the first directory dialog appearing press the button cancel (you do not have a java catalog) then for the second directory dialog select the root …
How to generate UML diagrams (especially sequence diagrams) …
Sep 9, 2008 · Another modelling tool for Java is (my) website GitUML. Generate UML diagrams from Java or Python code stored in GitHub repositories. One key idea with GitUML is to …
How can I convert my Java program to an .exe file?
Sep 29, 2008 · GCJ: The GNU Compiler for Java can compile Java source code into native machine code, including Windows executables. Although not everything in Java is supported …
Run and simulate Android code online on web - Stack Overflow
Nov 18, 2016 · Java is very RAM greedy, you'll need a very good machine to code AND test on an Android emulator... If you are learning Java, you can first try some basic console or swing …
java - Extract source code from .jar file - Stack Overflow
Java Decompiler will open with all the package structure in a tree format. Click on File menu and select save jar sources. It will save the sources as a zip with the same name as the jar. …