Jetter Mars - Wikipedia
Jetter Mars (ジェッターマルス, Jettā Marusu): The protagonist of the series. A powerful robot built in the image of a boy, he has a body that can be used for destruction of cataclysmic proportions, and a near-human artificial intelligence.
Jetter Mars (series) | Jettermars Wiki | Fandom
Jetter Mars (ジェッターマルス Jettā Marusu) is a short-lived Japanese anime series made in 1977, written by Tezuka and directed by Rintaro. Originally planned by Dr. Osamu Tezuka as a full-color remake of the original anime adaptation of his popular manga series Astro Boy, unfavorable circumstances...
Jetter Mars (Character) | Jettermars Wiki | Fandom
Jetter Mars (ジェッターマルス Jettā Marusu) is a robot-boy designed by Osamu Tezuka and voiced by Mari Shimizu, he is the main character of the series Jetter Mars.
Jetter Mars | Astro Boy Wiki | Fandom
Jetter Mars (ジェッターマルス Jettā Marusu) is an anime series made in 1977, directed by Rintaro, and written by Osamu Tezuka. Originally planned by Tezuka as a full-colour remake of the original anime adaptation of his popular manga series Astro Boy, unfavourable circumstances during the preproduction...
Jetter Mars Manga | Jettermars Wiki | Fandom
In most anime a manga book is published first before being adapted into a cartoon, however, in the case of Jetter Mars (ジェッターマルス Jettā Marusu), the anime series was adapted into a few manga issues published as one-shot stories, based on the storylines shown in the anime.
ジェッターマルス - Wikipedia
『ジェッターマルス』は、 1977年 (昭和 52年) 2月3日 から 9月15日 まで フジテレビ にて放送された ロボットアニメ。 全27話。 本作は 手塚治虫 のテレビアニメ第1作の『鉄腕アトム』の続編として企画された。 初期の企画『マイティ・マルス』では、第1作の最終回で死んだアトムに代わり、新たに製作されたロボットのアトム二世のマルスが活躍するというものだったが、アトムの要素と設定を取り入れつつも『鉄腕アトム』とは世界を異にする新しい作品として制 …
Mars is a child robot created by Dr. Yamanoue and Dr. Kawashimo on the 3rd of February, 2015. He was designed to be the most powerful fighting robot in the world. His body was made by Director Yamanoue, but his electronic brain was made by Yamanoue's rival, Dr. Kawashimo. Jetter Mars is rambunctious, strong, curious and brave.
JETTER MARS (1977) by Osamu Tezuka - Archive.org
Oct 3, 2022 · In 1977, a color TV show was produced by Toei Animation and Osamu Tezuka to test the waters for an Astro Boy color remake. The test was a success and a color remake would later be made in 1980. A DVD set was released in 2009, and these videos are ripped from that. This upload also contains images of the menus and the special features.
ジェッターマルス|アニメ|手塚治虫 TEZUKA OSAMU OFFICIAL
科学省の山之上長官は、盟友・川下博士の協力を得て、新型ロボットのジェッターマルスを完成させた。 スタッフ 脚本:辻真先 演出:千葉すみこ. 勉強が嫌で家出したマルスは、ロボット専門の密輸団に捕らえられてしまった。 スタッフ 脚本:雪室俊一 演出:石黒昇. マルスは科学省の復興式で、プロファイターのマッドマスクと戦うことに。 その勝敗やいかに? スタッフ 脚本:辻真先 演出:水沢わたる. 4 さようならオトウト!! マルスは出会った子犬を弟として招き入れ …
Jetter Mars (Anime) – Tezuka In English
Also known as ジェッターマルス (Jettā Marusu) Jetter Mars (1977) Originally conceived as a remake or sequel to Tezuka’s earlier Astro Boy (1963-66) animated television series, Jetter Mars (1977) was broadcast on the Fuji Television Network from February 3 to September 15, 1977, for a total of 27 episodes .
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