Jiangzhou - Wikipedia
Jiangzhou (fictional city) in China, featured in the television show Dwelling Narrowness Topics referred to by the same term This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Jiangzhou .
Jiangzhou District - Wikipedia
Jiangzhou District (simplified Chinese: 江州区; traditional Chinese: 江州區; pinyin: Jiāngzhōu Qū, Zhuang: Gyanghcouh Gih) is a district and the seat of Chongzuo, Guangxi, China.
Jingzhou - Wikipedia
Jingzhou (Chinese: 荆州; pinyin: Jīngzhōu) is a prefecture-level city in southern Hubei province, China, located on the banks of the Yangtze River. Its total residential population was 5,231,180 based on the 2020 census, 1,068,291 of whom resided in the built-up (or metro) area comprising two urban districts.
Jiangzhou - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Jiangzhou léase Chiáng-Zhóu (en chino, 江州区; pinyin, Jiāngzhōu qū; literalmente, ‘la provincia del río’, en zhuang, Gyanghcouh gih) es un distrito urbano bajo la administración directa de la Prefectura Chongzuo en la Región autónoma de Guangxi, República Popular China.
Chongzuo - guangxi.chinadaily.com.cn
Chongzuo is in close proximity to ASEAN and boasts convenient transportation. The municipal government is located in Jiangzhou district of Chongzuo and it is 90 kilometers away from Nanning Wuxu International Airport, 120 kilometers away from Nanning and …
Jiangzhou - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
A district of Chongzuo, Guangxi, China.
江州区 - 百度百科
江州区,隶属 广西壮族自治区 崇左市。 是 崇左市 委、市人民政府所在地。 [1] 位于 广西壮族自治区 西南部, 北回归线 以南, 左江 中游。 东接 扶绥县,南邻 宁明县,西连 龙州县,西北靠 大新县,北毗 隆安县, [3] 总面积2917.83平方千米。 [1] 截至2021年10月,江州区下辖3个街道、6个镇、2乡。 [4] 区政府驻新民路16号。 2023年末,江州区有户籍总人口38.20万人。 [27] 江州区,有2200多年的历史。 [1] 宋,置 崇善县,后又置江州土州。 2002年,撤销南宁地区,设立 …
江州,晋朝至元朝行政区划名,晋元康元年 (291),割扬州之豫章郡、鄱阳郡、庐陵郡、临川郡、南康郡、建安郡、晋安郡和荆州之武昌郡、桂阳郡、安成郡共十郡,因江水之名而置。
Jiangzhou, Jiangxi, China - Location, map, facts - Geodatos
Feb 14, 2025 · Opposite side of the world from Jiangzhou (in yellow).
江州区 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
Dec 23, 2022 · 英文名称 Jiangzhou Qu 行政归属 广西壮族自治区崇左市
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