Jib Hanks | Boat Design Net
Jul 24, 2007 · The sew-on hanks are more durable because, if properly installed, they spread the load out over a much larger area of fabric. But they do need to be maintained. The other type were designed to lower the cost of making a sail, and when the fabric fatigues they will rip out, and do a lot of damage to the sail leading edge.
Storm Jib, Sails and Sailing Hardware | Boat Design Net
Feb 21, 2008 · Bronze Jib Hanks: set of 10, new never installed $25… Mainsail Plastic Slugs with Shackles: set of 10 with 3 extra shackles; 7/16” slugs $45… Mainsail track Hardware: 2 gates and 2 sets of stops to keep the slugs from falling out when reefing $20… White Nylon Fold Down Antenna Mount: with quick release lever. Unused $15…
Furling headsail question - Boat Design Net
Mar 20, 2015 · I know this might be kinda elementary, but I don't totally understand furling. I've made a home built furler for a jib on a 17' daysailer and that's my only experience. In that case it was a tube around the forestay and the jib sail was attached with very small shackles where the hanks were removed to the tube with a small spool at the bottom.
Sails, Hardware, Electronics and Related Gear | Boat Design Net
Feb 8, 2008 · Storm Jib in good shape.The jib has hanks and a tack pendant and measures: about 78 square feet, foot 9’3”, luff 19’-4”, leech 16’-10”. This sail shows no wear in looks to be unused. It comes with a bag and sheets. $160…
building a polytarp gennaker - Boat Design Net
May 31, 2011 · I plan on running the genny up the forestay with jib hanks and a halyard, any recomendations on a simple reefing system for it? Is slab-type reefing possible (or desireable) here? peterchech , May 31, 2011
disturbances introduced into the flow by roughnesses (jib hanks, cloth seams, etc.), the smooth changes in speed within the laminar boundary layer start to give way to a much more erratic type of flow. This is called the transitional region of the boundary layer. After this short transitional region, the boundary layer becomes fully turbulent.
Balestron modification? - Boat Design Net
Sep 3, 2015 · The first would be a down haul for the jib, so you can take it down without having to go out on the fore deck. This will require a well placed small pulley and some relatively thin line. The pulley attaches at the base of the fore stay and the line passes through the jib hanks, to attach to the top of the jib.
Recent Content by 4runner | Boat Design Net
Items SOLD--Items still for sale The storm jib, kevlar genoa, dacron mainsail and the jib hanks have been sold. Thank you! Post by: 4runner , Mar 12, 2008 in forum: Marketplace
Is Laser Performance taking on water? - Boat Design Net
Oct 7, 2010 · All: Rumors are being whispered over at Sailing Anarchy's dinghy anarchy forum regarding serious product delivery problems from Laser Performance....
cable luff in old blown out sail. need advice | Boat Design Net
Mar 4, 2016 · PAR is right as usual, and it would be just as easy to make a sail as repair this one properly. The easiest of all would be to find an old discarded jib from a racing class with a similar sized jib. But if you would like to experiment a little, which I think is what you want to do, you could try replacing the entire leading edge.