Boomer S2 - Epiroc
Small 2-boom face drill rig ideal for mine development and small tunnels. The Boomer S2 from Epiroc is the first automation ready drill rig in its segment and it is also more robust than ever before.
Our new S segment boom consists of double rotation devices to ensure a fast and precise positioning with exceptional durability. Less hoses on the boom reduces downtime. Top-mounted feeds increase visibility and cross cutting functionality. That all combines to increase productivity while decreasing downtime.
Feb 4, 2025 · EM-376 | Découvrez notre FOREUSE À FLÈCHE (JUMBO) 2 BRAS EPIROC S2C en action.Pour plus de détails sur cet équipement et découvrir nos autres équipements dis...
for tough mining applications, new feeds with interchangeable drill for added safety and lower sound steel bushings, stronger chassis, stronger diesel engine and faster level within cabin. …
Buflex. 3x50+3G10+2x1.5: 33. 200: Recommended cable size and length 55 kw. Recommendations are given for surrounding temperature of 40 °Cand up to a height of 2 000 m
Boomer S2 from Epiroc - Automated robustness - YouTube
Nov 21, 2019 · The Boomer S2 from Epiroc is the first automation ready drill rig in its segment and it is also more robust than ever before. It has been strengthened in all key areas - next generation rock...
Epiroc 4 X Boomer S2 Drills Available - Worthy Parts
Combining smart digital add-ons with a solid chassis and powerful diesel engine, Boomer S2 lowers your operating costs while increasing productivity. Buy Used 2018 4 X BOOMER S2 …
Epiroc S2C 2 booms jumbo drill | Access Industrial
Sales, rental, refurbishing, maintenance, repairs, parts, and personnel leasing.
Boomer S2 - Epiroc
El Boomer S2 de Epiroc es el primer equipo de perforación preparado para automatización de su segmento que le ofrece la mayor resistencia hasta el momento.
DRILLS: Canada’s first Epiroc Boomer S2 C hard at work
Feb 15, 2018 · Epiroc’s Boomer S2 C shares the productivity and precision of bigger versions, but it is built for narrow vein mining or tunneling. MISSISSAUGA, Ont. – Eldorado Gold ’s Lamaque mine is the first mining company in Canada to receive the new Epiroc Boomer S2 C.