S. A. Rahman - Wikipedia
Sheikh Abdur Rehman (Urdu, شیخ عبد الرحمان) (4 June 1903 – 25 July 1990) was the 5th Chief Justice of Pakistan. He did his MA and Law from University of Punjab, BA Hons from Oxford …
S. A. Rahman - Wikiwand
Sheikh Abdur Rehman (Urdu, شیخ عبد الرحمان) (4 June 1903 – 25 July 1990) was the 5th Chief Justice of Pakistan. He did his MA and Law from University of Punjab, BA Hons from Oxford …
About: S. A. Rahman - DBpedia Association
Dr. Sheikh Abdur Rehman (Urdu, شیخ عبد الرحمان) (4 June 1903 – 25 July 1990) was the 5th Chief Justice of Pakistan. He did his MA from University of Punjab, BA Hons from Oxford and Ph.D. …
Alvin Robert Cornelius - Wikipedia
Alvin Robert Cornelius became the first Christian Chief Justice, becoming one of the most famous and influential figures ever to serve on the Supreme Court. [1]
Former Chief Justices of Pakistan Ex Chief Justice Name
Justice Sir Abdul Rasheed was the first Chief Justice of Pakistan , and Justice Yahya Khan Afridi is the current Chief Justice of Pakistan . You can find names of all former CJP with their …
Pakistan's Chief justice |05| Justice SA Rehman - YouTube
#Tarazoo #HistoryOfPakistanJudiciary #JuticeSARehman After retirement of Justice Alvin Robert Cornelius, Justice Sheikh Abdul Rehman became Chief justice for three months. He presided …
50 years after Agartala Conspiracy Case | Political Economy
Jul 1, 2018 · The head of the tribunal was the Punjabi Justice Sheikh Abdur Rahman (S A Rahman) from Wazirabad. Justice Rahman (1903-1990) was an establishment’s judge who …
Sheikh Abdul Rehman - Wikipedia
Sheikh Abdul Rehman (born 1933) is an Indian politician, survivor of the Indian partition, and former member of parliament and the legislative assembly from Jammu and Kashmir. He is …
Former Judges - Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan
Mr.Justice Abdur Rehman Khan Kaif. Date of assumption of Office:23-04-1986 Date of Relinquishment:22-04-1989. Profile. Mr.Justice Mufti Syed Shujaat Ali Qadri. ... Mr.Justice …
Personal File of Hon'ble Mr. Justice Dr. Sheikh Abdur (S.A) Rehman
Personal File of Hon'ble Mr. Justice Dr. Sheikh Abdur (S.A) Rehman (Chief Justice, Lahore High Court for West Pakistan (1955-1958))