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K11 MUSEA - Silicon Valley of Culture
Welcome to the sparkling new global Cultural-Retail destination — K11 MUSEA. With a name inspired by the Muses in Greek mythology, K11 MUSEA aspires to enrich your daily life through the power of creativity, culture and innovation.
K11 MUSEA / KPF + RLP | ArchDaily
Oct 28, 2019 · Key features include the imposing Opera Theatre (K11 MUSEA’s atrium) where natural light shines through its 35m high Oculus, down to the centrepiece The Gold Ball, the beating heart of this...
K11 MUSEA购物中心:多元艺术与建筑的融合 / KPF等 – 有方
K11 MUSEA(读音:meu-see-ah)的名字灵感来自古希腊神话中主司文学、科学、艺术以及知识泉源的缪斯女神。 项目是为期十年的综合型发展项目Victoria Dockside的最后及最重要一环,以“海边的灵感缪斯(A Muse by the Sea)”为构想意念,成为尖沙咀沿海艺术文化的全新地标。 项目化身成一个凝聚灵感的平台。 顾客能于该项目内每个精心设计的角落,任意发掘与细味络绎不绝的灵感泉源,让创意驰骋。 项目楼高10层,设计灵感来自大自然和空间周围的城市景观,旨在营 …
K11 MUSEA (@k11musea) • Instagram photos and videos
99K Followers, 63 Following, 1,563 Posts - K11 MUSEA (@k11musea) on Instagram: "Hong Kong’s Silicon Valley of Culture at @victoriadockside, K11 Art and Cultural District, created by @adriancheng ."
Located at Victoria Dockside, K11 Art and Cultural District of Tsim Sha Tsui, K11 MUSEA is Hong Kong’s pioneering cultural-retail landmark. Inspired by ‘A Muse by the Sea’, K11 MUSEA is designed to enrich the new consumer’s daily life through the …
K11 Musea - KPF
K11 Musea, the retail centerpiece of the KPF-designed Victoria Dockside, combines experiential shopping with a vivid arts scene to create unique ways to interact with the building’s architecture.
The 10-storey K11 MUSEA will house an extensive selection of international brands – many of which will be flagships – and is the crown jewel of K11’s museum-retail concept, curated to offer visitors the best-in-class immersive retail experience.
香港 K11 MUSEA / KPF + RLP | ArchDaily - ArchDaily | 传播世界建筑
Oct 28, 2019 · Victoria Dockside项目包含一座65层的超高层综合大厦(香港瑰丽酒店及K11办公大楼),21层高的酒店式公寓K11 Artus寓馆,位于维港旁的海滨长廊“星光大道”(为表彰香港电影界杰出人士的特色经典,效仿洛杉矶著名的星光大道建成),梳士巴利花园,以及10层楼高的文化零售空间K11 MUSEA。 K11创始人郑志刚召集设计团队,将K11 MUSEA构想为香港的“文化矽谷”,设计团队同时也构成“100 CREATIVE POWERS”的一部分,引导社区对话,打破传统零售 …
K11 Musea - SG Mark
Hong Kong’s Silicon Valley of Culture, K11 MUSEA, is the latest museum-worthy landmark that aims to usher in a new era of cultural-retail which speaks to the growing consumer demand for immersive experiences in art, culture, nature, and commerce.