KV20 - Wikipedia
KV20 is a tomb in the Valley of the Kings (Egypt). It was probably the first royal tomb to be constructed in the valley. KV20 was the original burial place of Thutmose I (who was later re …
KV20: The Famous Female Pharaoh Hatshepsut Has a …
Mar 22, 2017 · KV20 is one of the most ancient known tomb sites of the Valley of the Kings, and possibly the first royal tomb to be constructed. Upon assessment of various pieces of evidence …
Thutmes I and Hatshepsut - Theban Mapping Project
Perhaps the oldest royal tomb in the Valley of the Kings, KV 20 lies high in the easternmost arm of the Valley, cut into the cliff face near KV 19. The tomb is of very unusual plan: its axis bends …
Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut - Wikipedia
Hatshepsut's tomb, KV20, lies inside the same massif capped by El Qurn, a pyramid for her mortuary complex. At the edge of the desert, 1 km (0.62 mi) east, connected to the complex by …
Tombs in Valley of the Kings - Madain Project (en)
The Tomb KV20, was probably the first royal tomb to be constructed in the valley. KV20 was the original burial place of Thutmose I (who was later re-interred in KV38) and later was adapted …
KV20 - Maat-ka-Ra
Jan 6, 2008 · KV20 is the longest and deepest and - apart from some private tombs in the Valley of Kings - probably the most unusual tomb. KV20 winds itself from the entrance (A) over …
Tomb KV20 - landioustravel.com
Tomb KV20 is a burial in the Valley of the Kings (Egypt). It was probably the first royal tomb to be constructed in the valley. KV20 was the original burial place of Thutmose I (who was later re …
Hatshepsut Found; Thutmose I Lost July 15, 2007 - Archaeology …
First we burrow into KV20 (tomb number 20 in the Valley of the Kings). That's where Hatshepsut was originally buried, in a stone sarcophagus alongside a second sarcophagus that was …
KV20, The Tomb of Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis I - Tour Egypt
Tomb KV20 in the Valley of the Kings on the West Bank at Luxor (ancient Thebes) is believed by many Egyptologists to have been the original Tomb of Tuthmosis I, thought it seems that his …
KV20 - ancient_egypt.en-academic.com
An undecorated tomb in the Valley of the Kings sometimes attributed to Thutmose I of Dynasty 18, in which case it was his original tomb built by Ineni, but it is more likely that of his daughter, …