Kabir - Wikipedia
Kabir (fl. 15th century) [1]: 14–15 was a well-known Indian devotional mystic poet and sant. His writings influenced Hinduism's Bhakti movement, and his verses are found in Sikhism's scripture Guru Granth Sahib, the Satguru Granth Sahib of Saint Garib Das, [2] and Kabir Sagar of …
कबीर - विकिपीडिया
कबीरदास या कबीर ,कबीर साहेब 15वीं सदी के भारतीय रहस्यवादी कवि और संत थे। [1] कबीर अंधविश्वास, व्यक्ति पूजा , पाखंड और ढोंग के विरोधी थे। उन्होने भारतीय समाज में जाति और धर्मों के बंधनों को गिराने का काम किया। वे भोजपुरी साहित्य के भक्तिकाल के निर्गुण शाखा के ज्ञानमार्गी उपशाखा के महानतम कवि थे। इनकी रचनाओं ने उत्तर और मध्य भारत के भक्ति …
The Life of Sant Kabir Das - Indian Culture
It was sometime in mid 15th century that the poet-saint Kabir Das was born in Kashi (Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh). The details about the life of Kabir are shrouded in uncertainty. There are differing opinions, contrasting facts and multiple legends about his life.
Kabir | Birth, Poetry, Religion, & Facts | Britannica
Kabir (born 1440, Varanasi, Jaunpur, India—died 1518, Maghar) was an iconoclastic Indian poet-saint revered by Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs. The birth of Kabir remains shrouded in mystery and legend .
Kabir - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sant Kabir Saheb also known as Kabir Das and Kabir Saheb was born on 1398, in Varanasi and brought up in a Muslim weavers family by Niru and Nima. He was a mystic poet and a musician. He was one of the important saints of Hinduism and also considered a Sufi by Muslims.
About Kabir Das [ 1440-1518 ] Biography & Life History
Kabir Das, a mystical poet and great Saint of India, was born in the year 1440 and died in the year 1518. According to the Islam the meaning of the Kabir is The Great. Kabir Panth is the huge religious community which identifies the Kabir as the originator of the Sant Mat sects.
Sant Kabir—Life and Works of the Mystical Saint Poet - Learn …
Mar 8, 2019 · Born near Benaras, or Varanasi, of Muslim parents in 1440, in early life he became a disciple of the celebrated 15th-century Hindu ascetic Ramananda, a great religious reformer and founder of a sect to which millions of Hindus still belong.
Life of Sant Kabir (1440 – 1518) | Sanskriti - Hinduism and Indian ...
Born near Benaras or Varanasi, of Muslim parents, in c.1440, he became in early life a disciple of the celebrated 15th century Hindu ascetic Ramananda, a great religious reformer and founder of a sect to which millions of Hindus still belong.
Kabir Das: The Mystic Poet and Saint Who Bridged Religions
Nov 24, 2024 · Kabir Das, one of India’s most revered poets and saints, holds a unique place in the spiritual and literary history of the subcontinent. His teachings, delivered through profound couplets (dohas), transcended religious boundaries, advocating for a universal path to divine truth.
Exploring the Spiritual Legacy of Kabir Das: Poetry, Teachings, and ...
Jul 26, 2023 · Kabir Das, born in the 15th century in Varanasi, India, was a mystic poet and saint who left an indelible mark on Indian culture and spirituality. Although not much is known about his early life, Kabir’s teachings and poetry continue to captivate the hearts and minds of people across generations.