Kadolana – Sustaining Mangroves, Empowering Communities.
Mangroves mitigate 5 times more carbon than terrestrial trees, storing 80% of carbon permanently in the soil. Mangroves filter and clean surrounding water, protecting coral reefs and seagrass.
Mangrove - Wikipedia
A mangrove is a shrub or tree that grows mainly in coastal saline or brackish water. Mangroves grow in an equatorial climate, typically along coastlines and tidal rivers.
කඩොලාන - විකිපීඩියා
කඩොලාන යනු අන්තර් උදම් කලාපය තුල ඵනම් ගොඩබිම සහ ජලය එක්වන මායිම් වන ගංගා මෝය සහ කලපු ආශ්රිතව වඩදියට යට වී බාදියට නිරාවරණය වන බිම් ප්රදේශයන්හි වැඩෙන සුවිශේෂී ශාකයකි.ඇතැම් ශාක සහ සත්ත්ව විශේෂ වලට රැකවරණය සපයන නිවහනක් ලෙස කඩොලාන ශාක ප්රජාව වැදගත් වේ. නීරක්ෂීය වෙරළබඩ තීරුවෙන් …
කඩොලාන ශාක හඳුනාගනිමු | Let's learn about Kadolana …
කඩොලාන ශාක හඳුනාගනිමු | Let's learn about Kadolana in Sri Lanka | Devendra Academy
Kadolana – Lakpura™
The beauty of Kadolana / Mangrove trees are not expressible. Each island in the Madu Ganga river have many of these trees making the whole river an amazing place to visit
කඩොලාන පරිසරය ගැන නොදන්න කතාව | mangrove environment | kadolana - YouTube
කඩොලාන පරිසරය ගැන නොදන්න කතාව mangrove environment#tv_desanda#maagrove #kadolanamy facebook -: https://www.facebook ...
Mangrove Trees (Kadolana) - Madu River Safari
Sep 2, 2018 · Mangroves are salt-tolerant trees and you can find them everywhere in the Madu Ganga river. Boat ride will take you through these amazing trees and you will feel something you never felt before.
Rhizophore mucronata (Kadol) Mangrove trees with prop roots growing on the waters edge. Leaf apex is mucronate, bright greenabove and paler beneath with many minute red spots. The flower has 4 sepals, and 4 petals, with long stalks. Seeds are viviparous.
Why Mangroves are Worth Saving - Kadolana
These incredible tropical trees thrive in extremely harsh conditions. Mangrove soils are oxygen-poor, permanently waterlogged, and their salinity levels are constantly changing – they are sometimes dry, sometimes submerged.
Mangroves – Kadolana
Aug 13, 2023 · Mangroves are of two worlds. Found along about two-thirds of the planet’s tropical coastlines, these semi-aquatic plants constitute some of the most dynamic and biologically comp. Many people dismiss mangrove forests as merely tropical, swampy wastelands. However, we’ve since come to know that they’re anything but that.