Pinus wallichiana - Wikipedia
Pinus wallichiana is a coniferous evergreen tree native to the Himalaya, Karakoram and Hindu Kush mountains, from eastern Afghanistan east across northern Pakistan and north west India to Yunnan in southwest China. It grows in mountain valleys at altitudes of 1800–4300 m (rarely as low as 1200 m), reaching 30–50 m (98–164 ft) in height.
Blue Pine Facts, Distribution, Growth Rate, Uses, Pictures
Jun 22, 2017 · The blue pine is a conifer found in and around South Asia. It was first described by botanist Nathaniel Wallich of the Kolkata Botanical Gardens after whom the binomial name of this tree is given.
Kail Tree (Pinus wallichiana) / کیل - fasalbachao.com
May 17, 2022 · Literature on Kail Tree (Pinus wallichiana) / کیل. Find all types of Agriculture Literature here at fasalbachao.com.
(Tranenkiefer); Hindi (kail,biar); Trade name (kai,biar) BOTANIC DESCRIPTION Pinus wallichiana is a tree to 50 m tall with straight trunk and short, down-curved branches. Branches longer in solitary trees, creating a dome-like crown. Bark on young trees smooth, becoming fissured with age. Branches in regularly spaced whorls, smooth.
Pinus wallichiana A.B. Jackson - Forestrypedia
Jun 20, 2022 · Kail, Biar. Pinus wallichiana A.B. Jackson. Description. A large tree 30 to 45 m tall with a diameter of 1 to 1.5 m. The crown is conical. The needles are in fives, 10 to 20 cm long and bluish to grey green in color. The bole is straight, erect. It is monoecious. The male flowers or cones are many, crowded in headlike clusters, 1 cm long.
Pinus wallichiana - eFlora of India
It has superior wood (kail in local language), superior resin with a beautiful strong aroma (stronger smelling than Chir) and has longer distinctive cones (not as woody as the Chir).
Tree Detail - nfmspak.org
The tree is native to Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, India, and Afghanistan. In Pakistan it has been divided into two varieties: Var. wallichiana isolated in the moist temperate zone of Murree-Galiat and Azad Kashmir.
Pinus wallichiana, also known as blue pine or the Himalayan white pine, is used various ways for its wood and leaves. It is also known as 'Bhutan Pine', a name, which can cause confusion with Pinus bhutanica, a closely related species.
Pinus wallichiana (Pinaceae) - Forest, Wildlife & Environment ...
Jan 23, 2022 · Home COMMON NAMES: Kail, Biar, Blue pine Local name: Chee, Gashi Description Tree to 50+ m tall with a straight trunk and short, downcurved branches. Branches longer in solitary trees, creating a dome-like crown.
Pinus walliichiana A.B.Jackson,Blue pine, Kail, Biar,Puyuch
The tree is native to Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, India and Afghanistan. In Pakistan it is found in the moist temperate zone of Murree-Galliat and Azad-Kashmir and in dry temperate zone of the Northern Areas, Takhte-Sulaiman, Swat, Dir, Chitral, Tirah and Kurram.