Kamatz — Concealment - Chabad.org
Kamatz is an acronym for “ אור קדמון אור מצוחצח אור צח —The primordial, bright, and pure light.” This level of illumination is so overwhelming that one cannot fully appreciate or internalize it.
Kamatz - Wikipedia
Kamatz or qamatz (Modern Hebrew: קָמָץ, IPA: [kaˈmats]; alternatively קָמֶץ qāmeṣ) is a Hebrew niqqud (vowel) sign represented by two perpendicular lines (looking like an uppercase T) ָ underneath a letter. In modern Hebrew, it usually indicates the phoneme / a / which is the "a" sound in the word spa and is transliterated as a.
Is the Ashkenazi pronunciation of the kamatz "aw" or "uh"?
Sep 1, 2022 · I have seen sources, for example the Artscroll transliterated siddur, that say that the Ashkenazi pronunciation of the kamatz vowel is "aw," as in the first syllable of "often," whereas other sources, for example the Artscroll Schottenstein Talmud, say that the pronunciation is "uh" as in the first syllable of "ago."
The vowel hataf-kamatz, the kamatz together with the two-dot Sh’va is also pronounced “aw.” For those unsure of how to distinguish between the two types, I include this document that lists all of the kamatz katan types that appear in Megillat Eichah.
An Incredibly Useful Hebrew Vowels Chart and Explanation
There are three AH vowels in Hebrew. All three make a sound like the first syllable of the word “autumn.” All 3 AH vowels have a horizontal line as part of the vowel. None of the other vowels have horizontal lines; so, if you see one, you automatically assume that it is an AH vowel. 1. Kamatz AH Vowel.
Kamatz and Patach - Imamother
May 3, 2009 · A kamatz gadol, the more commonly found one, is pronounced like a patach, ah, in sefardic. a kamatz kattan is pronounced "aw" as in New Yawk, but not quite so extreme--don't purse your lips so far, it's not a diphthong.
Hebrew Letter Kamats Katan - CartoonHebrew.com
The Ashkenazic pronunciation merges both sounds for into a single sound more or less like the "aw" in "paw." Israelis often "fix" this by using modern spellings that use for the O sound of Kamatz Katan to avoid confusion.
Kamatz katan in "קָֽדָשִׁים" in Vayikra 24:9 - Mi Yodeya
Nov 11, 2024 · According to the Tikkun Simanim (following Minchat Shai), the phrase קֹ֩דֶשׁ֩ קׇֽדָשִׁ֨ים (i.e., without a "hey" on the second word) takes a kamatz, whereas the phrase with a "hey" on the second word takes a kamatz katan.
Is there a tradition to pronounce kamatz katan as "a"?
Most Ashkenazim, along with Yemenites, pronounce both approximately as "aw" in claw, draw. Some Ashkenazim pronounce qames gadhol as "aw" and qames qatan as "o". Great confusion has resulted when people from an Ashkenazic background make a partial switch to Modern Hebrew pronunciation.
Transliteration schemes explained - Mi Yodeya Meta
However, if it follows a chirik, tzere, or segol, and lacks punctuation, it is not transcribed. Also, if it follows a kamatz, lacks punctuation, and precedes a vav, it is not transcribed. ע - is not transcribed; however, see exceptions, below. ִי - (chirik male) - i. ְ - (sh'va nach) - is not transcribed; however, see exceptions, below.