The new software & firmware is compatible with all hardware versions EVER sold by Infinite NES Lives (both old AVR based, and new STM32 based). Open source software & firmware release: gitlab project. If you have an old kazzo device purchased from us in 2017 or eariler you can support ticket/email/message us for the links.
Our first project with Sly Dog Studios, and it's a great one! Collect the earliest of 8-bit NES games from the black box set, and do it while playing this new RPG on your NES.
Kazzo USB rom dumper / dev cart programmer - nesdev.org
Apr 4, 2011 · It's a pretty nifty little device, with USB ability to dump carts and flash dev carts. It does it with only two chips and a few discrete components. I ended up using 3 chips so I could use through hole D flip-flops because they were what I had sitting around.
Kazzo NES Cartridge Dumper - Finally Build Your Own Legit NES ... - NeoGAF
Jul 26, 2013 · Plug your Kazzo in your PC (it won't recognize at first, it's totally normal) and start this file that will install the necessary drivers for your PC to recognize it. You're supposed to see the Kazzo in the plugged device list and you only have to choose it and click 'next'.
Aug 17, 2018 · Software is compatible with current INLretro design & old kazzo devices. Currently supports Windows & Linux, may support for mac but only a small amount of testing has been done to date. Host software runs entirely in lua, with exception low level USB calls in C.
Programming UNROM-512 with Kazzo hardware (NESDEV)
Oct 24, 2022 · I’m developing a game for the NES, and I recently got a couple of flashable UNROM-512 PCBs from Broke Studio. To program these boards, I’m using the Kazzo cartridge Dumper-Programmer from Infinite NES Lives - this is the older, discontinued version of the hardware based on the AVR / ATMEGA microcontroller.
INL FlashCart - New Host App (RELEASED) - nesdev.org
Feb 11, 2018 · I bought one of the wonderful InfiniteNesLives flashcarts (the SNES version) and a Kazzo programmer, but the software left me feeling a little uncomfortable. I got ahold of INL, and he graciously agreed to provide me with what was required to write a new host app for it.
kazzo: NES Dumping Tool and Flash Carts - nesdev.org
Sep 22, 2007 · I'm designing Kazzo PCB revision 2.0. It has ATmega168, 60 pin edge connector and 72 pin edge connector for oversea users. I want to order to produce 50 PCBs for revision 2.0. I have no idea whether an overseas person needs kazzo and flash memory cartridge.
kazzo_intro_en - unagi Wiki - OSDN
famicom cartridge bus simulator 'kazzo' overview. Although there are already various Famicom cartridge dumping hardware available, each have their own design flaws. First, many have to rely on legacy interfaces no longer supported on today's PC architectures.
Rom dumping hardware? : r/nes - Reddit
Feb 9, 2022 · I saw this at one point when it was still called Kazzo, but i think it was more expensive. I just need to find if it can backup/write saves. I'll buy it right now if it can!
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