Kelubar Demodand - 5etools
Kelubars, sometimes called slimy demodands, are the bureaucrats of Carceri, existing as intermediaries between farastus and shators. They are squat, and their skin drips with a foul-smelling, acidic slime.
Kelubar - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Kelubars were the intermediaries of the demodands, responsible for overseeing farastu squadrons, normally composed of 6-10 individuals, under orders from the shators.
Kelubar - Digital Demiplane
Kelubars are the bureaucrats of demodand society. They act as intermediaries between the shators and the farastus, as well as supervisors of farastu squads. The slime that coats their skin is a perfect match for their odorous personalities. Kelubars are obese, partly because of the fairly sedentary lives they lead.
Demodand - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Instead, the death of one demodand caused a corpse on Carceri to reshape itself into the form of a farastu. Farastus were simply replaced by another of their number, but when a kelubar or shator perished, the most convenient member of the caste below them …
Realms Helps Creature: Kelubar
Summon Demodand (Sp): Once per day, a kelubar can attempt to summon 1d2 kelubars with a 40% chance of success or 1d4 farastu with a 60% chance of success. Summoned creatures remain for 1 hour, then return to their home on Carceri.
Kelubar Demodand | Non-alien Creatures Wiki | Fandom
Kelubar are the middle class of Tarterus, and are acidic slime-excreting Demodands of chaotic neutral alignment. Known as the slime demodand, a kelubar is of shorter stature and thicker build than a farastu. Although it is of ebon hue, a kelubar tends to glisten due to a slimy skin secretion.
Demodands of Carceri - Dungeon Masters Guild | DriveThruRPG
May 4, 2021 · This product is a 5E conversion of the fiends native to Carceri called the Demodands (also referred to as Gehreleths). The version includes all three types of demodand: the farastu, the kelubar and the shator. Each conversion is meant to be an algamation of the demodands from earlier editions of the game.
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Kelubar | RealmsofAhlus Wiki | Fandom
Kelubar are responsible for much of the active so-called "bureaucracy" controlling the demodands of Carceri, serving as overseers for farastu forces, and scribes for the higher shator caste.
Kelubar Consul - 5etools
Any creature that is not a demodand and starts its turn within 30 feet of the kelubar must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or or have the poisoned condition for 1 minute. On a successful saving throw, the creature is immune to the stench of this kelubar for 1 hour. Multiattack. The kelubar makes one Bite attack and three Claws attacks.
Demodand - Search - D&D Beyond
demodand (see Morte’s Planar Parade) named Villigus Bazengar. Susceptible to cajolery, the ruthless demodand has been known to spare those who stroke his insufferable ego.