Keel (bird anatomy) - Wikipedia
A keel or carina (pl.: carinae) in bird anatomy is an extension of the sternum (breastbone) which runs axially along the midline of the sternum and extends outward, perpendicular to the plane of the ribs.
Keel Bone - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
This is much more extensive than in mammals, being a ventral plate of bone providing protection. The keel bone (carina) provides the main attachment for the flight muscles.
Understanding the Causes of Keel Bone Damage and Its Effects …
Keel bone damage (KBD) in laying hens is a significant welfare issue with implications for productivity and sustainability in the egg-laying industry. This review explores the causes, impacts, and assessment methods of KBD, and proposes strategies for its …
Full article: Histomorphological characteristics of keel bone ...
Feb 5, 2025 · The keel bone (carina) is an elongation of the sternum in birds, a flat bone which serves as an attachment for the minor and major pectoral muscles and, additionally, plays a role in respiration (Koenig, Citation 2016).
Fracture morphology and ossification process of the keel bone in …
Keel bone fractures (KBF) are one of the most important welfare problems in commercial laying hens. Despite extensive research on the matter, its etiology remains unclear. Studying fracture characteristics in radiographic images can aid in the understanding of the disorder.
Keel Bone Damage in Laying Hens—Its Relation to Bone Mineral …
Keel bone damage is an important animal welfare problem in laying hens. Two generations of four layer lines, differing in phylogenetic background and performance level and kept in single cages or floor pens were weighed and scored for keel bone deformities (KBD) during the laying period.
Keel - A-Z Animals
May 27, 2024 · A keel is a projection on the sternum made from bone that serves as an anchor for the wing muscles that allow birds to fly. Summary. The keel is a bone extension runs perpendicular to the structure of the sternum and the ribs. The bony structure is necessary for birds to take flight, but not all birds with them can fly.
Bird Anatomy And Physiology - Avian Scope
Jan 3, 2024 · The breastbone, or sternum, is enlarged and has a keel-like structure called the keel bone. The keel provides a large attachment site for flight muscles, allowing for powerful wing movements. Additionally, the structure of the wing bones, particularly the bones in the hand and fingers, enables birds to generate lift and maneuver in the air.
Improving Layer Hen Welfare with Better Bone Health
Aug 31, 2023 · Keel bone damage, such as deviations or fractures in a bird’s breastbone is a prevalent problem among commercial laying hens. This damage may be painful for hens and can be linked to the number and quality of their eggs.
where is the keel bone on a turkey – The online encyclopedia for ...
The keel bone is a long, prominent bone that runs through the center of a turkey’s breast. It provides an anchor for the major flight muscles, akin to the breastbone on chickens and other birds. The keel bone consists of the fused collarbones, and in a living turkey it is flexible to allow wing movement.