Kelubar Demodand - 5etools
The kelubar has a 40 percent chance of summoning its choice of 1d2 farastu demodands or 1 kelubar demodand. A summoned demodand appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of the kelubar, acts as an ally of the kelubar, and can't summon other demodands.
Kelubar - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Kelubars were the intermediaries of the demodands, responsible for overseeing farastu squadrons, normally composed of 6-10 individuals, under orders from the shators.
Kelubar - Digital Demiplane
Kelubar are slimy, ebon humanoids, shorter than farastu and thicker in the lower torso and limbs. Their hands are large and their huge heads oval: the horizontal axis is longest. Their effective Strength is 20 (+8 damage adjustment), and they weigh close to 500 pounds.
Demodand - Forgotten Realms Wiki
It was rumored that an information broker from the Upper Planes had discovered a tattered tome bound in the skin of a kelubar, claiming that the gehreleths were the most beauteous nobles of Elysium before being disfigured and banished by envious archons and asuras.
Kelubar (CR 13) - Realms Helps
Summon Demodand (Sp): Once per day, a kelubar can attempt to summon 1d2 kelubars with a 40% chance of success or 1d4 farastu with a 60% chance of success. Summoned creatures remain for 1 hour, then return to their home on Carceri.
Demodand - Search - D&D Beyond
Kelubar Demodand Kelubars, sometimes called slimy demodands, are the bureaucrats of Carceri, existing as intermediaries between farastus and shators. They are squat, and their skin drips with a foul
Monsters: Demodands (or Gehreleth) in 5e - Giant in the …
Nov 15, 2015 · Demodand summoning: As an alternate rule, demodands can have an ability identical to the demon summing variant, summoning demodands instead: A farastu has a 30% chance of summoning another farastu. A kelubar has a 50% chance of summoning a farastu.
Kelubar Demodand | Non-alien Creatures Wiki | Fandom
Kelubar are the middle class of Tarterus, and are acidic slime-excreting Demodands of chaotic neutral alignment. Known as the slime demodand, a kelubar is of shorter stature and thicker build than a farastu. Although it is of ebon hue, a kelubar tends to glisten due to a slimy skin secretion.
Kelubar Consul - 5etools
The kelubar deals an extra 14 (4d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 ft. of an ally of the kelubar that isn't incapacitated and the kelubar doesn't have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Kelubar (5e) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Kelubar + Publication: Minsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy + Size: Medium + SortText: Demodand Shator + Subtype: Demodand + Type: Fiend +
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