Food Additives, Food Ingredients Supplier & Manufacturer …
As one of the professional global food ingredient suppliers, we are committed to provide food & feed preservatives. If interested in food ingredient solutions, please contact us now.
Company Profile - Kemfood
Kemfood International is a leading international manufacturer and distributor of food preservatives. In addition, our products can also be used accelerant, antimicrobial agent, Stabilizer, analytical reagent for organic synthesis intermediates, and other fields.
Free To Contact Us - Kemfood
Looking for the best food additives factory - Kemfood strives to provide global customers with healthy food additives and ingredients supply, and we are waiting for your consultation.
Ingredients Wholesale, One-stop Food Ingredients Solutions …
Professional food ingredients company, always focusing on providing creative food ingredients. Kemfood meets all your needs about Chinese food ingredients, click for consultation.
About Us 丨 China Food Ingredients Supplier丨Kemfood
Kemfood International is a leading international manufacturer and distributor of food preservatives. In addition, our products can also be used accelerant, antimicrobial agent, Stabilizer, analytical reagent for organic synthesis intermediates, and other fields.
Xanthan gum- Supplier & Manufacturer - Kemfood
Xanthan Gum E415 can be used as a stabiliser, emulsifier, thickener, suspending agent and bodying agent in food applications such as salad dressings, sauces, instant products, desserts, bakery dairy products, and fruit juices as well as in the formation of various low-calorie foods.
Culture - Kemfood
High quality products, Professional technology support, Total solution for food, Reasonable price, Credible friendly.
Understanding the Different Types of Food Thickeners and How to …
Mar 15, 2023 · Kemfood's food thickeners are carefully formulated to ensure that they provide the desired texture and thickness to your dishes. They are also easy to use and are available in different quantities to meet your needs.
Premium Dehydrated Vegetables Wholesale丨Dehydrate
Kemfood offers various food additives for different applications. If you are interested in dehydrating frozen vegetable and dehydrated vegetables bulk, please contact us now.
سوربات البوتاسيوم - المورد والشركة المصنعة - Kemfood
سوربات البوتاسيوم هو ملح البوتاسيوم لحمض السوربيك ، الصيغة الكيميائية ch 3 ch = ch − ch = ch − co 2 ك هو ملح أبيض شديد الذوبان في الماء (58.2% عند 20 درجة مئوية). يستخدم في المقام الأول كمادة حافظة للأغذية (رقم e 202).