SnowCastle of Kemi - Experience365
SnowCastle of Kemi offers versatile accommodation, restaurant, experience and meeting services all year round in Kemi.
SnowCastle Winter Park - Experience365
SnowCastle Winter Park in Kemi. SnowCastle Winter Park is a snowy wonderland for the whole family, opening every year from mid-January until April. The park is open daily, offering unforgettable experiences for all ages. Enjoy fun slide, and a traditional Finnish carousel.
Opening Hours of the SnowCastle of Kemi Area - Experience365
Dec 3, 2024 · The SnowCastle of Kemi area is open almost every day of the year. The services of the SnowCastle of Kemi are versatile and the opening hours are different for each office. Check out our opening hours below.
SnowExperience365 in Kemi - Experience365
SnowExperience365 introduces real snow & ice 365 days a year. In the SnowExperience365 exhibition room you can step into a winter wonderland any day of the year. You can walk on the snowy floors and admire the beautiful ice sculptures.
Experience365 - Experience the Sea Lapland of Finland
SnowCastle of Kemi introduces services from all-year-round snow&ice exhibition to glass villas, restaurant and sauna services. Our SnowCastle concept has developed over the years from the winter snow castle to a resort area with various services, that are open year-round.
History of the SnowCastle of Kemi - Experience365
Everything started in 1996, when the world’s largest snow castle was built in Kemi from natural snow and ice. The castle was a joint gift from the city of Kemi and Unicef to the children of the world and gained a lot of attention around the world.
Kemin LumiLinna - Experience365
Kemin LumiLinnan palvelut ympäri vuoden. Mikä ihmeen ympärivuotinen Kemin LumiLinna? Voiko linna olla kesälläkin avoinna? LumiLinnan ympärivuotiset palvelut hämmästyttävät edelleen, vaikka olemme olleet läpi vuoden avoinna jo useamman vuoden ajan.
What to Do in Kemi in Winter - Experience365
From exploring the iconic Snow Castle to experiencing the magic of the Northern Lights, Kemi is a winter wonderland waiting to be discovered. This Kemi travel guide will walk you through the top Kemi winter activities, ensuring you make the most of your visit.
Top Tips for Visiting the Snowcastle in Kemi - Experience365
Discover top tips for visiting the snowcastle in Kemi with our guide. Learn about the best time to visit, what to wear, activities, dining options, and more. Explore Kemi's winter wonderland with confidence!
How to Experience Luxury Travel in Lapland - Experience365
The Kemi Snow Castle is a marvel of snow architecture that offers visitors an enchanting experience all year round. Originally a winter-only attraction, it has evolved into a resort area that provides a wide range of activities and attractions.