Civil War Forage Caps: A Review of Several Modern Sutlers
Jun 3, 2013 · Often erroneously called a kepi, the forage cap is distinguished by the taller crown and lack of a prominent welt around the crown disc’s top edge. This gives the appearance that someone has sewn a plate into the top of the hat, and the weight of it usually allows the crown to droop forward over the forehead.
Civil War Forage Caps: A Review of Several Modern Sutlers
Jun 3, 2013 · Excellent quality, but very poor customer service. I waited two and a half YEARS for the kepi to arrive and when it did, it was so small that it fit atop my head like a yarmulke. He did replace it (another 4 weeks) and I finally ended up with a kepi that was a fine complement to my officer's cloak coat. Got out of the Hobby a few years ago.
Bogarts Cap in The African Queen - The Fedora Lounge
Feb 1, 2021 · Does anyone know what type of cap Bogart is wearing in The African Queen? It has the look of a skipper, but the fit is tight to his head like a WWII A3 cap, and it has the black leather brim like a skipper, but with more of a vintage baseball brim …
Civil War Forage Caps: A Review of Several Modern Sutlers
Jun 3, 2013 · I previously had stated that their quality was okay, but the Confederate kepi I got should have been more in the $40-50 price range, not the $95-100 they charge. Recently, I began to get disgusted with one of my Dirty Billy's caps because the paint on the visor cracks and starts flaking even when the cap is close to brand new.
Photographs from Iran 20's-40's. - The Fedora Lounge
Oct 11, 2014 · Traditional headdress was replaced until 1935 with a black/grey kepi-type peaked hat. In 1935 the "international hat" (brimmed felt hat) was made mandatory for all Iranian men. Shortly after the veil/headscarf was abolished for women (police enforced this until 1941, afterwards one could chose).
Now Forming! the Campaign Hat Corps | Page 3 | The ... - The …
Aug 8, 2006 · Union Blue Kepi - I highly recommend this - EXCELLENT FOR TARGET PRACTICE. m . Aug 19, 2006 #58 J. Joel Tunnah
The Mummy clothes | Page 4 | The Fedora Lounge
Aug 12, 2006 · Actually the typical Legionnaires kit from the Rif was would have consisted of the Mle1914 kepi (or even pith helmet), the Mle1920 Capote or greatcoat, and white drill culottes and chemise. Along with the old style boots and puttees. But this is not always the rule.
Simonds Bespoke Caps - Concept Motoring Cap - The Fedora …
Aug 20, 2013 · You found me out!!!! Bastiche!!!!! I asked "the man" to see what he could do from that photo. Worf
Now Forming! the Campaign Hat Corps | The Fedora Lounge
Aug 8, 2006 · Being non American I've had little contact with genuine U.S Cavalry or Civil War Kepi's / hats so post away. A while ago I scoured the net looking for pics of Major Allan Wilson and the Shangani Patrol from British South Africa [Rhodesia] best I could get...
The "Little Joe Cartwright" hat? - The Fedora Lounge
Jun 16, 2013 · Bill has always been polite to me. The worst I can say about his hats is that some of the tint from the forage cap sweatband may come off on your forehead in really hot weather. I've actually only waited months for a custom kepi. He keeps a lot of standard Union headwear in stock, since it's more common. Greg Starbuck has always been fine also.