What are ketamine visuals like for you? : r/ketamine - Reddit
Jan 27, 2021 · Without fail ketamine gives me visuals. I snort it, put on headphones and ambient music and lay down. I don't move, I just wait, and watch. Then out of the darkness images begin to emerge and rotate or evolve. This is usually paired with a sense of movement as if I'm floating through scenes or environments.
What are k visuals like? : r/ketamine - Reddit
A subreddit for discussing the recreational use of ketamine with a focus on harm reduction. Please read the rules in the sidebar before participating as we remove all posts and comments which break the rules.
What does ketamine visuals look like for you? : r/Psychonaut
The best part is it's like lucid dreaming where you can control the visuals once you learn the controls. What I mean by that is there is an acceleration to change, the visuals take time to take shape or morph from one or the other, but you can 100% just see what you want with just conscious will. You also have to guide it from one image to the ...
Can we discuss ketamine's closed eye visuals? : r/ketamine - Reddit
And the best part of these good, vibrant creatures is they teach me through these crazy visuals how to fully let go and be present in the moment, but you know without all that programmed heavy shit ie fucked up childhood, war, bipolar, drugs. Ketamine infusions for bipolar 2 and ptsd Eye drops are a blessing and
K hole visuals? : r/ketamine - Reddit
K "visuals" are strange and completely different to those experienced with psychedelics, ime. The k hole has always been more of a feeling, there's a strong tactile aspect, and 9 times out of 10 if I'm watching something when I fall into it, it starts to feel like the people in the TV are really there or that they know I'm there.
Ketamine visuals : r/KetamineTherapy - Reddit
Jan 20, 2024 · Ketamine visuals Found this picture that perfectly describes the visuals and patterns I see during my ...
What are ket visuals like? : r/ketamine - Reddit
I get crazy visuals from S+ Ketamine. Much better than what I experienced with 2C-B or LSD. For me is like watching a movie, but the images change very rapidly and go from people to abstract geometrical surfaces and whatnot.
Question : Do people usually get visuals on Ket ? : r/ketamine
I find that smoking pot highly enhances the closed-eye visuals and other imaginative aspects of ketamine. But even without pot, I can use ketamine and other dissociates to enter trance states which have closed eye visuals, obe, nde, and shamanic learning sorts of immersive experiences.
No visuals/psychedelic effects from K? : r/ketamine - Reddit
Dec 25, 2016 · With visuals on k it's kind of like an on/off thing. There's either none or i'm locked in a k-hole and have both OEVs and CEVs but it's more like being in a dreamlike state where I'm completely detached from reality, and not augmented …
No visuals from ket. Is that normal? : r/ketamine - Reddit
Apr 22, 2024 · So far I've taken a handful of 50mg doses and one 100mg dose (variously snorted and boofed). For me, the trip duration is 99% devoid of visuals. Rarely, I'll get a fleeting CEV, akin to something shifting behind a curtain. But those impressions never last long.