Al-Khabar al-Wahid - wikishia
Al-khabar al-wahid is a hadith narrated in a way that did not fulfill all the conditions necessary to be deemed a mutawatir hadith. Then, it is not proved authentic itself and must be proved by …
Could you please explain the difference between Ahad and …
The Ahad or solitary Hadith (also known as Khabar al-Wahid) is the Hadith which fails to fulfil the requirement of Mutawatir. Ahad Hadith may be sound (sahih), good (hasan) or weak (Da’eef). …
The Authority of Khabar Wahid (Ahad) and refutation ... - Fahm al …
It is strange that when someone cites a hadeeth from one or the other of the two Saheeh collections, they object to it and say that is only a solitary report (khabar al-wahid), even …
Sana Wema
The Ahad, or solitary Hadith (also known as Khabar al-Wahid), is a Hadith which is reported by a single person or by odd individuals from the Prophet. Imam Shafi’i refers to it as Khabar al …
Types of Hadith - Muftisays
Oct 18, 2010 · The Imams of hadith have divided the hadiths into three different categories: Mutawatir [continuously recurrent], Mashhur [well-known], and Khabar-al-Wahid [a single …
Discussions on the Use of Ahadith in Tafasir - Iqra Online
Jun 15, 2021 · One of the topics in Qur’anic interpretive tools where discussions in usūl al-fiqh overlap, is in the issue of whether or not solitary narrations, i.e. khabar al-wāhid, can be used …
Establishing Matters of Aqidah With Hadith Ahad
May 27, 2009 · The Ahad or solitary Hadith (also known as Khabar al-Wahid) is the Hadith which fails to fulfil the requirement of Mutawatir. Ahad Hadith may be sound (sahih), good (hasan) or …
Tadwin Al-Hadith | Lights on the Muhammadan Sunnah or ... - Al …
In his Sharh of Muslim, al-Nawawi says: Khabar is of two sorts: mutawatir and ahad. The mutawatir is that khabar which being transmitted by a number of narrators that usually cannot …
What is the definition of Al Khabarul Wahid? – Hadith Answers
A khabarul wahid is that Hadith which does not fulfil the conditions of a mutawatir Hadith. Al khabarul mutawatir is that Hadith which is transmitted by such a large number of narrators in …
Mutawatir [continuously recurrent], Mashhur [well-known], and Khabar-al-Wahid [a single person’s report] AKA Hadith Ahad [solitary hadith]. A Mutawatir hadith is one for which the narrators are …
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