Commonly Used Drugs Charts | National Institute on Drug Abuse
Sep 19, 2023 · Khat. Pronounced "cot," a shrub (Catha edulis) found in East Africa and southern Arabia; contains the psychoactive chemicals cathinone and cathine. People from African and Arabian regions (up to an estimated 20 million worldwide) have used khat for centuries as part of cultural tradition and for its stimulant-like effects.
Synthetic Cathinones ("Bath Salts") - National Institute on Drug …
Oct 23, 2023 · Khat is a shrub grown in East Africa and southern Arabia that some people consume for its stimulant effects. Illicit synthetic cathinones are more commonly known as “bath salts.” People may ingest illicit synthetic cathinones intentionally—sometimes as cheaper or more accessible alternatives to other drugs—or unintentionally, as ...
Catinonas sintéticas ("sales de baño") - National Institute on Drug ...
El khat es un arbusto cultivado en la región oriental de África y el sur de Arabia utilizado por algunas personas por sus efectos estimulantes. Las catinonas sintéticas ilícitas se conocen más comúnmente como "sales de baño".
Khat and Alcohol Use Disorders Predict Poorer Adherence to Anti ...
The odds of non-adherence to anti-TB medications among patients with khat use disorder was nearly four times that of patients who did not use khat (aOR 3•8, 95%CI=1•8-8•0). Also, patients who have alcohol use disorder were 3•2 times likely to have poor adherence compared to their counterparts (aOR=3•2, 95%CI=1•6-6•6).
Khat Kratom LSD Marijuana (Cannabis) MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly) Mescaline (Peyote) Methamphetamine Over-the-Counter Medicines--Dextromethorphan (DXM) Over-the-Counter Medicines--Loperamide PCP Prescription Opioids Prescription Stimulants Psilocybin Rohypnol® (Flunitrazepam) Salvia Steroids (Anabolic)
Emerging Drug Trends | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Jun 17, 2024 · Lab-made cathinones are stimulants that are chemically related to, but not derived from, the khat plant. People sometimes take synthetic cathinones as a less expensive alternative to other stimulants, but cathinones have also been found as an added ingredient in other recreational drugs.
chemicals in the khat plant that grows in Africa. But the human-made version is much stronger and can be very dangerous. They look like little white or brown crystals. But they are not like the products you put in your bath to make it fizz. They are usually found in plastic or foil packages and are used to get high.
Parents & Educators | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Find the latest science-based information about drug use, health, and the developing brain. Designed for young people and those who influence them—parents, guardians, teachers, and other educators—these resources inspire learning and encourage critical thinking so teens can make informed decisions about drug use and their health.
Mind Matters: The Body's Response to K2/Spice and Bath Salts
“Bath Salts” are a brand name for a class of drugs called synthetic cathinones. Cathinones are drugs similar to the chemicals in the khat plant that grows in Africa. But the human-made version is much stronger and can be very dangerous. They look like little white or brown crystals.
Mind Matters: The Body’s Response to Bath Salts
Jun 24, 2021 · They are similar to the Khat plant that grows in Africa, but the human-made version is much stronger and can be very dangerous. Bath Salts look like white or brown crystals and are usually found in plastic or foil packages. These are not the fizzy products like epsom salt that people use while bathing. How do Bath Salts affect your brain and body?