The Crusader-Era Knights Who Volunteered to Fight World War I
Mar 1, 2022 · Dressed in chain armor and wielding shields and broadswords, they rode to the governor's house in modern-day Tbilisi and asked, "Where's the war?"
The Khevsureti Crusaders: It’s a myth, people!
Mar 19, 2019 · Their distinctive armour prompted intrepid travellers to Khevsureti to publish newspaper articles and essays on how the locals ‘drink like Germans’, or ‘dress like the French’ and how their broadswords and chainmail looked similar to Crusader weaponry.
Rare Vintage Photos of Khevsur Warriors in Their Traditional Armor …
Jul 20, 2024 · In the battles Khevsurs wore flags adorned with crosses and considered themselves permanent members of the army of the sacred flags and guardians of Georgian Kings. The Khevsur men, dressed in chain mail and armed with broadswords, wore garments full of decoration made up of crosses and icons, which …
Khevsureti - Wikipedia
Khevsurs are the branch of Kartvelian people located along both the northern (Pirikita khevsureti, პირიქითა ხევსურეთი) and southern (Piraketa khevsureti, პირაქეთა ხევსურეთი) slopes of the Great Caucasus Mountains.
These crusader knights answered the call to fight World War I
May 14, 2021 · The Knights were known locally as Khevsurs, a group of fighters allegedly descended from Medieval Crusaders, whose armor bore the motto of the Crusaders, as well as the Crusader Cross (which now adorns the flag of the modern Republic of Georgia).
‘We Hear There’s A War’ — The Khevsurs - Frontier Partisans
Feb 11, 2017 · The warriors were Khevsurs from the historical Khevsureti region (Georgian: ხევსურეთი) of north east Georgia. Legend tells that they are descended from Crusaders who left France 800 years ago and became detached from the main army, marched through Turkey and Armenia and settled in the Greater Caucasus mountains in Georgia.
the crusader myth - batsav
During the First World War the region was the scene of prolonged fighting between the Russians and the Turks, and a party of Khevsoors wearing armour and carrying shields and broadswords actually rode into Tiflis, the capital of Georgia, to offer …
1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Khevsurs - Wikisource, the free …
They are fond of fighting, and still wear armour of the true medieval type. This panoply is worn when the law of vendetta, which is sacred among them as among most Caucasian peoples, compels them to seek or avoid their enemy.
Khevsur sabre for comments - Ethnographic Arms & Armour
Jun 20, 2021 · One of the best references on Caucasian weapons recently published and in English is "Caucasian Arms and Armor by Kirill Rivkin (2015), in which a number of swords of Ariel's are included. The examples, photography and profound insights expressed are remarkable and highly informative.
About Sights – Khevsureti Ethnographic Museum
Sep 4, 2013 · Although small, the museum contains unique displays of Khevsur life, armour, weapons, clothing, domestic and agricultural implements and photographs. Khevsureti (Georgian: ხევსურეთი, a land of valleys) is one of the most isolated historical provinces of Georgia.