Kia starts building facility for electric purpose-built vehicle (PBV ...
Apr 11, 2023 · Kia plans to show SW (project name), the first model in the company’s dedicated PBV lineup, in 2025. The model will be a mid-sized PBV and will be based on the “eS” platform, a dedicated skateboard platform for battery electric PBVs, enabling various types of vehicle bodies to be flexibly combined.
PBV Lineup - Kia
Kia PBV (Platform Beyond Vehicle) is a total mobility solution that combines fit-for-purpose EVs with advanced software solutions. To learn more about Kia PBV and for business enquiries, we are available for you.
Kia PBV lineup | Kia Global Brand Site | Movement that inspires
The Kia Concept PV5 is Kia's first dedicated PBV, scheduled to be released in 2025, and is being developed as a mid model considering the scalability of various businesses such as urban passenger and cargo transportation.
기아 PBV lineup | 기아 글로벌 브랜드 사이트 - Kia
PV5 는 2025년 출시 예정인 기아의 첫 번째 전용 PBV로, 도심 여객 및 화물 운송 등 다양한 비즈니스 확장성을 고려하여 중형급으로 개발 중입니다. 고객은 기본 (여객), 딜리버리, 샤시캡 세 가지의 바디타입에 기반하여 필요와 선호에 부합하는 구성을 선택할 수 있으며, 자율주행 기술을 적용한 로보택시 모델 또한 개발할 예정입니다. PV5 기본 (여객) 은 모든 사람들이 편안하게 탑승 및 이동할 수 있도록 확장성과 넓은 공간감을 선사합니다. 넓은 양문형 도어와 충분한 적재공간을 갖춰, …
Kia Dives Into Purpose-Built EVs With Four New Vehicles ... - MotorTrend
May 20, 2022 · Kia teased four new applications for their eS skateboard electric vehicle platform as all-new Purpose Built Vehicles (PBVs).
About Kia PBV | Kia Global Brand Site | Movement that inspires
In 2025, Kia's PBV dedicated line-up starts with the mid PV5, followed by the large PV7, and then the small PV1. By combining Kia's PBV platform with various upper bodies, our PBV lineup will be available for multiple purposes, including ride-hailing, logistics, and personal lifestyle activities.
Kia Starts Building Facility For Electric Purpose-Built Vehicle ...
Apr 15, 2023 · After launching the mid-sized SW PBV, Kia intends to broaden its product line to include large PBVs that can be utilized for logistics, fresh food delivery, multi-seat shuttles, mobile...
Kia to establish its first electric PBV plant in Korea, as it ...
May 18, 2022 · Kia Corporation, which is in the midst of its transition into a sustainable mobility provider, has announced today that it will establish an all-new, high-tech smart manufacturing facility dedicated to producing electric Purpose Built Vehicles (PBVs).
About Kia PBV
Kia PBV (Platform Beyond Vehicle) is a total mobility solution that combines fit-for-purpose EVs with advanced software solutions based on the Hyundai Motor Group’s software-to-everything, or SDx, strategy.
Kia starts building facility for electric purpose-built vehicle (PBV ...
Apr 11, 2023 · After launching the mid-sized SW PBV, Kia plans to expand its product lineup to large-sized PBVs that can be used for logistics, fresh food delivery, multi-seat shuttles, and mobile offices...