Kingdom of Caid
Kahn Valentine Martyn & King Brocc of Alderden. News from the Crier!! Spring Crown – Letter of Intent. ... [email protected] ...
Caid Armored Handbook 20 PARTICIPANTS’ SECTION I. COMBAT AUTHORIZATION REQUIREMENTS A. General 1. All persons who wish to participate in SCA combat activities must authorize under the Society and Kingdom-of-residence authorization procedures. SCA combat activities are defined as armored combat, Society period
Caid Thrown Weapons Handbook Version 3.0 Page November 2015 2 In Caid, Thrown Weapon activities refer to the use of actual axes, knives, spears, and other approved thrown implements against targets. Activities that have weapons thrown from horseback fall under the jurisdiction of the Equestrian rules.
Sep 17, 2016 · A.S. L) CAID KINGDOM LAW Page 1 of 30 ARTICLE I: THE LAW Part A: Sources of the Law. Section 1: This Code shall take effect when it has been declared to be in effect by the King and Queen of Caid, and when copies of this Code are made available to the people of Caid. Upon taking effect, it shall be the primary law of the Kingdom. This Code
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Caid -questrian Handbook, Revised January 2017. Introduction to the Society Equestrian Handbook This handbook provides a structure and standards for equestrian activities in the SCA.
In Caid, a youth may participate in YC even if they have been authorized in Armored Combat E. Kingdoms may establish policies allowing adults to train and spar with youth combatants.
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Kingdom of Caid
9th Edition Caid Kingdom Seneschal’s Handbook 1 of 65 Introduction As the Governing Documents, Kingdom Law and the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (“SCA”) change, so will the functions of the officers. This document is intended to
This is the Officer’s manual of the Kingdom of Caid, published for the citizens of Caid of the Society of Creative Anachronism, Inc. It is not a publication of the SCA, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policy.
Published by the Office of the Chatelaine for the Kingdom of Caid, a division of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. This is not an official publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism Inc.
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Kingdom of Caid
This document establishes the rules for Unarmored Combat in the Kingdom of Caid, within the Society for Creative Anachronism. Unarmored Combat refers to the re-creation of dueling and single combat without armor in the Late Middle Ages. This was a common practice in period, in both military and