CV Kinobi
Buat CV yang ATS friendly dengan fitur berteknologi AI hingga latihan interview tanpa perlu berpindah-pindah website. Persiapkan semua kebutuhan karier kamu di CV Builder by Kinobi.
Kinobi – Portal Karier Digital #1 untuk Raih Sukses IKU
Dapatkan pekerjaan impian Kamu sekarang bersama CV Builder by Kinobi. alumni dalam mempersiapkan karier mereka. Dipercaya universitas terkemuka di Asia Pasifik. Pilih fitur Kinobi Sesuai dengan Kebutuhan Pusat Karir Anda! Kesuksesan Universitas dalam IKU 1 dan 2 adalah Prioritas Kami. Untuk membuat Platform yang sempurna untuk Anda.
All-in-one Solution to Simplify Campus-Wide Workflow - Kinobi
Accelerate students' career with an Al-powered resume builder and a built-in job portal. Help students achieve their community goals & develop their skills through an integrated portal. …
How do I create a resume using Resubi? - Kinobi
Here are the steps you can take to begin creating your industry-approved Resume: Login to https://app.kinobi.asia; Click "Tools" at the top right of the website; Click "Resume Builder" Click "New Blank", to create a brand new resume; Follow the on-screen instructions and fill up your information on: Personal Information; Experience; Education ...
e2i Career Resources
Transform your job search with the e2i Resume Builder! Create tailored, professional and system-friendly resumes to better match your ideal career opportunities and increase your chances of being shortlisted by potential employers.
Career Management Portal of PSB Academy. Create your resume, explore opportunities, and speed up your career development here.
AI-Powered Resume Builder for University - Kinobi
Create job worthy career resume automatically with AI-Powered Tools; Get comprehensive resume scoring analysis, offering profound insights into candidate qualifications and suitability; Source great job opportunites seamessly in one integrate career platform for students; Get career preparation workshop and one-on-one career consultation with ...
CV Kinobi
Dengan paket CV BUilder All-Access (1, 3, atau 6 bulan), kamu akan mendapatkan: Akses penuh ke semua template CV. Pembuatan CV tanpa batas. Pembuatan Cover Letter tanpa batas. Scoring CV tanpa batas dengan sistem ATS Kinobi.
What is Resubi? - Kinobi
Resubi is Kinobi's automated Resume Builder which helps you to create your perfect Resume in minutes. We found that way too many people were wasting time searching up "Best CV templates" online and decided to change that.
PSB Academy Career Portal - Take the First Step Towards your ... - Kinobi
Career Management Portal of PSB Academy. Create your resume, explore opportunities, and speed up your career development here.