Shako - Wikipedia
A shako (/ ˈʃækoʊ /, / ˈʃeɪkoʊ /, or / ˈʃɑːkoʊ /) is a tall, cylindrical military cap, usually with a visor, and sometimes tapered at the top. It is usually adorned with an ornamental plate or badge on …
All these decorations were carried on the ‘kiwer’, which replaced the shako in 1812. The greatcoat was carried rolled across the body held in place by equipment straps. There were fifty Jaeger …
[TMP] "kiwer query" Topic - The Miniatures Page
Kiwer is Russian term for shako. It was at first copied from 1806 French shako and called 1808 kiwer. With this kiwers they fought on Borodino 1812 and march to Paris.
Baccus 6mm
Grenadiers had a tall thin plume. All these decorations were carried on the ‘kiwer’, which replaced the shako in 1812. The greatcoat was carried rolled across the body held in place by …
[TMP] "Intermixing Russian Shakos" Topic - The Miniatures Page
Dec 31, 2009 · Elite miniatures have 28mm Russians in pre kiwer shakos for 1812-14. Most likely many units wore the older shako with added cords in 1812. I would go with whole units and …
Russian Hussars of the Napoleonic Wars, 1799–1815 - miniatures.de
The 15 mm Heritage miniatures of the Jelisawetgrad Hussar Regiment pictured above are wearing the 1812 Kiwer (shako). The miniatures are mounted in pairs on 38 × 32 mm Empire …
Russian Napoleonic Infantry 1809-1814 - Renedra Ltd
Russian Napoleonic Infantry 1809-1814. The figures in this box represent a battalion of a Russian Infantry regiment from 1809-1814. All figures have the option of the 1809 or 1812 kiwer …
[TMP] "Russian Army Uniforms" Topic - The Miniatures Page
Apr 18, 2013 · The 1812 Kiwer shako became more and more common in 1813-14. The old shako is still shown in mid 1814 drawings of Suhr and Elberfelder. By Borodino with the …
Russian Napoleonic Miniatures, 1799–1814
Russian Jägers of the Napoleonic Wars. These 15 mm Heritage Miniatures are wearing the 1812 Kiwer (shako). The Jägers are mounted on 19 × 12.5 mm infantry company stands compatible …
Help please, Napoleonic Russian Kiver (Shako) - planetFigure
Jan 2, 2015 · This is the shako of the junior-officer of the guard. This is a senior-officer of the grenadier regiment, his cockade on the shako was sheathed not with cord, but with round …