Klaus - bg3.wiki
Klaus is a wood elf at the Circus of the Last Days. Along with Benji , he is tasked with sniffing people out. If Benji smells blood, they will not allow entrance to the circus.
The Art of Klaus: 70+ Concept Art Collection - IAMAG Inspiration
Browse, The Art of Klaus, in a collection of Concept Art made for the movie, featuring Sergio Pablos, Szymon Biernackin, Pascal Campion, Henrik Evensen, Samuel Smith, Daniel Fernandez, Marcin Jakubowski.A simple act of kindness always sparks another, even in …
Klaus - Flashback to the Teaser - Gabriel Gomez
Because it was a very small team, i was able to touch a bit of everything, title design, BGs, lighting, and a bit of concept art for the barn. The first lighting test i did back in 2014 Second test, starting to believe it could actually work.
Zu den Kameradenseiten - Beim alten BGS
Bilder von Kamerad Klaus Thiel Beim BGS vom 01.06.59 - 30.05.69 in Coburg, Wachhundertschaft Bonn, Hünfeld und Oerlenbach
KLAUS Background - SPA STUDIO 2019 - Chase - ArtStation
Klaus, Netflix movie 2019. Directed by Sergio Pablos at the SPA studios Art direction : Marcin Jakubowski & Szymon Biernacki Here some Layout and Backgrounds from the Chase sequence. It was a hard but fun sequence to do.
KLAUS | Layout & Background Painting - Luis Mejía - Pinterest
The Art of Klaus. Background painting, layout, visual development by Luis Mejia. Netflix - The Spa Studios.
KLAUS - Backgrounds & Layouts #1 - David Gau
PROJECT: KLAUS Netflix THE SPA STUDIOS Directed by: Sergio Pablos Art Direction by: Szymon Biernacki and Marcin Jakubowski. Background Lead Artist: Gabriel Gomez. For my role in it: I started in Klays 2 years ago.
Excerpts from my work in possing with some sequences for the animated film Klaus. SPA Studios/Netflix .Director: Sergio Pablos.
161 In eigener Sache - beim-alten-bgs.de
Quelle: "Grenzschutzpräsidium München / Bundespolizeidirektion München” - die Texte stammen von Kamerad Klaus Papenfuß - heute Admin der Facebook-Gruppe “beim-alten-BGS” Kamerad Rainer Zoliitsch - ebenfalls Mitglied der Facebook-Gruppe “beim-alten-BGS” - hat uns freundlicherweise die Broschüre zur Veröffentlichung auf unserer ...
Hundertschaft - Beim alten BGS
Der hellhaarige Kamerad in der vordersten Mitte war unser Hundertschaftsführer Oberleutnant Klaus Blätte. Mit uns erprobte er schon damals Einsatzverfahren, die er in seiner späteren Verwendung ( GSG 9 am 17.10.77 in Mogadishu ) anwenden konnte