MPi-KM-72 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
MPi-KMS with wood handguard and non-slanted muzzle brake which was the most common one seen. The designation "MPi-KM72" is used colloquially by collectors, but in reality only referred to the folding stock variant. The "bakelite" handguards aren't true bakelite, but rather paper impregnated resin.
912 Kalaschnikow KMS-72 - STG940
Die finale Schulterstütze wurde ab 1972 an die NVA sowie an Exportkunden ausgeliefert. Dadurch wurde diese Variation der AKM in der NVA als KMS-72 bezeichnet. In dieser Bezeichnung ist dann wieder der Begriff „Kalaschnikow Modernisiert“ sowie das S für Schulterstütze enthalten.
East German AKs – The Best In The World? Part 1: History
Jan 10, 2024 · The most common folding stock version was called MPi-KMS(72) and became a great success in the international arms market. Easy to produce, it folded to the right side and allowed the factory to use the same rear trunnion for both fixed-stock and folding-stock guns.
East German MPi KM and MPi KMS-72 series in torturous detail, …
A video slide show showing off the East German version of the AKM Kalashnikov. The MPi KM and MPi KMS-72 in extreme detail. 1964-1990. We explore from the 19...
MPi KM-72 (Global Mobilization) | Armed Assault Wiki | Fandom
The MPi KMS-72 is primarily utilised by East German special operations but is also wielded in limited numbers by armed revolutionaries. The KMS-72 replaces the fixed stock with a side folding stock instead, resulting a slight weight reduction of roughly ~ 8%.
EAST GERMAN MPI-KM-72 - Athlon Outdoors
Dec 8, 2012 · Specifically, this class of select-fire weapons was designed to combine the high rate of fire and capacity of the submachine gun (which fires a pistol caliber cartridge with very limited range) and the range and power of a frontline military rifle.
DDR Spezialwaffen - AK Rifles
Jun 2, 2011 · The fixed-stock stamped East German AKM is called MPiKM [alternatively spelled MPi-KM], while the stamped AKM/'AKMS' sidefolder is called MPiKMS-72 [alternatively spelled MPi-KMS-72]. '72' refers to the year it was adopted as the standard unit in the East German armed forces, 1972.
MPi-KM-72 - Gunboards Forums
Sep 9, 2023 · Wanted to share a recent catch - all number matching MPi-KM-72 in 7,62x39. Produced in 1984. Here are some detailed photos...
MPiKMS 72 (AKM) Assault Rifle - Australian War Memorial
The MPiKMS 72 (AKM) assault rifle was on issue to Iraqi forces during the Iraq war. This rifle was confiscated by Australian forces in 2006 while serving in Iraq.
Pure AK features - combativestraininggroup.com
Aug 26, 2012 · These rear sight bases were originally very similar to the Soviet AKM pattern, and later adopted the simplified gas tube lever and “Rough Cut” of the Sixth Pattern. Image at right is of an export or prototype 1983-85 production MPi-KMS-72. (Image Source: Internet Scan)