Raman spectra from very concentrated aqueous NaOH and from …
Mar 16, 2006 · Raman spectra from wet to anhydrous, solid LiOH, NaOH, and KOH yield sharp, symmetric O H − stretching peaks at 3664, 3633, and 3596 cm − 1 , respectively, plus water-related, i.e., H 3 O 2 − , peaks near LiOH, 3562 cm − 1 , NaOH, 3596 cm − 1 , …
Raman spectra for samples a) KOH − 0, b) KOH − 1 and c) KOH − …
The KOH-activated HC possessed the highest CO2 adsorption capacity (122.37 mg g⁻¹ at 30 ℃ and 1 atm) when activated using KOH:HC ratio of 2:1 at 850 °C for 120 min with the involvement of ...
Low-frequency Raman scattering of KOH and NaOH aqueous …
Aug 1, 2000 · Depolarized Raman scattering measurements from −50 to 250 cm −1 were performed on KOH and NaOH aqueous solutions at room temperature. The reduced Raman spectra were analyzed with one relaxation mode and two damped harmonic oscillator modes.
H-bond characterizations for KOH and G/KOH solutions. (a) Raman …
In situ Raman reveals that competitive exchange between external water and crystalline water induces weak H-bond-dominated incomplete hydration, conferring a low-shear interface and considerable...
A Raman study of aqueous KOH solution in glassy state.
Enhanced stimulated Raman scattering of water by KOH. This paper considers stimulated Raman scattering of water and a 1 M KOH-H2O solution to be a very important SRS enhancement technique, which is low cost, simple, but reliable. Neat Water-Vapor Interface: Proton Continuum and the Nonresonant Background.
Raman spectra for the KOH activated carbons ((a) LACC-K 700 …
Figure 5 shows the Raman spectra for two KOH-activated carbons (LACC-K 700 and PAC-K 800) before and after incorporation of n-nonane. In both cases, the spectra exhibit two sharp...
Anodic Behavior of Ti in KOH Solutions : Ellipsometric and Micro-Raman …
Sep 18, 2002 · Ellipsometry and micro-Raman spectroscopy were used to study the oxide films formed on Ti in strong alkaline KOH solutions at different anodic potentials. At all concentrations of KOH studied, the thickness of the oxide films increases linearly with applied voltage.
A Raman Study of Aqueous KOH Solution in Glassy State - Oxford …
Jun 27, 2006 · Raman spectra of an aqueous KOH solution were measured in the OH stretching region and in the low frequency region (<700 cm−1).
Enhanced stimulated Raman scattering of water by KOH
Mar 30, 2020 · An obvious enhanced SRS signal is realized by dissolving KOH in liquid water. Compared with pure water, the performance improvements include the appearance of low-wavenumber Raman peaks, higher Raman intensity, an increased Raman gain, and an enhanced hydrogen bonding network.
decomposition of K2O2 2H2O2 (I) on a glass fiber matrix was determined by Raman spectroscopy. The products were mainly mechanical mi. tures of potassium superoxide KO2 (II) with KOH nH2O (III) and, in some cases, w. th KOH (IV). The n value in III varies ⋅ from sample to sample (most often, from 0.2 to 1). Component II is .