Amon Göth - Wikipedia
Amon Leopold Göth (German: ⓘ; alternative spelling Goeth; 11 December 1908 – 13 September 1946) was an Austrian SS functionary and war criminal. He served as the commandant of the Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp in Płaszów in German-occupied Poland for most of the camp's existence during World War II .
Amon Göth | Biography, Crimes, Trial, & Execution | Britannica
Amon Göth (born December 11, 1908, Vienna, Austria—died September 13, 1946, Kraków, Poland) was an Austrian Nazi officer who was commandant of Plaszow concentration camp in Poland.
The True Story Of Amon Goeth, The Nazi Villain In 'Schindler's List'
Mar 28, 2023 · The commandant of the Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp, Amon Goeth was responsible for the deaths of 10,000 people during the Holocaust. It's little wonder why he's known as the "Butcher of Płaszów."
Camp Commandant Amon Goeth, infamous from the movie …
Sep 7, 2023 · Amon Leopold Göth was the commandant of the Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp in Płaszów in Poland for most of the camp's existence during World War II.
Amon Göth: The Most Sadistic Concentration Camp Commandant
Part of the reason why this film has gained such notoriety is undoubtedly because of the bestial nature of the camp’s commandant, Amon Göth. But who was Göth? Was he truly a sadistic killer or an over-dramatized archetypal villain?
Amon Goeth, Hitlers nazi butcher - Auschwitz
(1) Amon Goeth as commandant of the forced labour camp at Plaszow (Cracow) from 11th February, 1943, till 13th September, 1944, caused the death of about 8,000 inmates by ordering a large number of them to be exterminated.
Profile of Amon Goeth – the Commandant of the Płaszów Camp.
Jul 25, 2012 · Profile of Amon Goeth – the Commandant of the Płaszów Camp. SS-Hauptsturmführer, SS No. – 43673. Amon Leopold Goeth, like many Nazi criminals, was born in Vienna, on December 11,1908. Before...
Amon Göth - Jewish Virtual Library
Amon Leopold Göth was an Austrian SS officer and commandant of the Płaszów concentration camp, infamous for his cruelty and direct involvement in the Holocaust. He was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Jews, Poles, and others during World War II.
Amon Goeth: Camp Commandant of KL Płaszów - In Your Pocket
Perhaps the most internationally known icon of Nazi evil after Hitler himself, Amon Leopold Goeth (1908 – 1946) was made famous after Ralph Fiennes’ critically-acclaimed portrayal of the Kraków-Płaszów Nazi concentration camp commandant in Steven Spielberg’s highly successful film Schindler’s List. Born in Vienna, Goeth joined the ...
Amon Göth – Wikipedia
Amon Leopold Göth (* 11. Dezember 1908 in Wien, Österreich-Ungarn; † 13. September 1946 in Krakau, Polen) war ein österreichischer SS-Offizier, zuletzt im Rang eines SS-Hauptsturmführers. Göth war bereits während seiner Jugendzeit Sympathisant rechtsnationaler Kreise und bekennender Antisemit.