Cormus domestica - Wikipedia
Cormus domestica, commonly known as service tree[2] or sorb tree, is a species of tree native to western, central and southern Europe, northwest Africa (Atlas Mountains), and southwest Asia …
Cormus - Wikipedia
Cormus (PL: cormi) (from ancient Greek: κορμός, kormόs, 'stem') is the appearance of a plant that belong to Cormophyte (Pteridophyte and Spermatophyte). [1][2] In cormus, the vegetative …
A multi gene sequence-based phylogeny of the Musaceae …
Based on the largest amount of nucleotide characters for Musaceae obtained to date, this study provides the first estimates of divergence times for individual Musa sections and genome …
Kormus - Vikipedi
Kormus veya gövde yumrusu, [1] soğana benzeyen fakat yapısı itibarıyla soğanların aksine yaprak yerine bitkinin gövde kısmından oluşan bitkinin şişkin, toprakaltı kısmıdır. Kormusun …
(PDF) Evolutionary history of Musaceae: Ancient distribution and the ...
Jan 1, 2019 · We conducted a biogeographic analysis of Musaceae, emphasizing the importance of the fossil record to understand the early evolutionary history of the family. Molecular dating …
Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany
The Musaceae are large, often treelike perennial herbs comprising 2 genera and about 45 species. The leaves are alternate and very large, with the proximal concentric, appressed …
Evolution and Classification of Musaceae Based on Male Floral ...
Scatter plot of the first two principal components based on 15 male flower traits from 59 OTUs of Musaceae. Symbol representative group of Musaceae: triangle, Musa + Rhodochlamys; cross, …
Musaceae | Pacific Bulb Society
Musaceae or the banana family is the most primitive of the order Zingiberales. It has a paleotropical distribution (Asian, African, and Australian tropics). There are three genera …
Musaceae | SpringerLink
Mostly tall and robust, suckering or monocarpic herbs with gigantic leaves; stem massive, cormlike; leaf sheaths forming pseudostem around scape; lateral buds absent or leaf-opposed.
Family Musaceae - Biocyclopedia
Musaceae Juss. Habit and leaf form. Very large herbs (with pseudo-stems constituted by massive leaf bases); laticiferous. Plants (or at least, the the leaf bases) succulent. Perennial; cormous, …