Are All Reissues USA Made? - Kramer - Gibson Brands Forums
Mar 15, 2011 · From what I understand, reading a history of Kramer guitars, They could never perfect their neck-making so they imported the necks from the ESP plant in Japan. Apparently they only knew how to make aluminum necks. Anyhoo, To the best of my knowlege ALL Kramer USA models were Assembled here but not completely manufactured here.
Kramer Guitars: A Request - Kramer - Gibson Brands Forums
Aug 9, 2022 · However, I'm slowly growing a bit worried for the new guitars and the Kramer brand in general. I can't be the only one who feels like Kramer lacks the "higher" tier guitars. Almost everytime a new one releases it only sells around the 300$ price range (and understandably has the quality of that range).
Thoughts on new Kramer Baretta Vintage? - Gibson Brands Forums
Jul 25, 2020 · Just curious what thoughts are on the new Kramer line, especially the Baretta vintage were, as I can't find much online. Also I played the new Kramer Jersey Star and Baretta The 84, they were nice but the Baretta vintage def felt easier to play (less string tension, easier to bend), might have just been the way they were set up in the store.
Which lacquer on new Kramer guitars? - Gibson Brands Forums
Jan 8, 2025 · Which lacquer (Nitro, Polyester etc.) is used on new Kramer Baretta guitars made in Indonesia? Thank you a lot
Kramer Striker 200 ST - Gibson Brands Forums
Oct 14, 2024 · I have a Kramer Striker 200 ST that has S A 1951 followed by Neptune New Jersey USA but I can't find anything as far as Kramer Guitars being built before 1987. Why the hell does mine say 1951? I don't get it. It looks older than a guitar built in the 80's but I'm still very confused. I want to sell it but I don't know how much to ask for it.
Is Kramer owned by gibson? - Kramer - Gibson Brands Forums
Jul 4, 2015 · The original Kramer folks went bankrupt in 1991, and Gibson later bought-up the Kramer brand name and manufacturing responsibilities. A small team of designers and Kramer enthusiasts work in Nashville (under Gibson's Epiphone division) making quality guitars that are reminiscent of the classic 1980's vintage Kramers. They are good people.
Bad Scene for the Kramer Brand - Gibson Brands Forums
May 24, 2011 · Unfortunately, the original Kramer Company ruined the Kramer reputation by selling a bunch of crappy plywood guitars before they went bankrupt. The last great guitar made by Kramer was the American Showster, less than 1000 were made and yet Kramer couldn't sell them because they had ruined the Kramer brands reputation.
Identifying Old Kramers - Kramer - Gibson Brands Forums
Jan 28, 2021 · Lots of information to help identify your Kramer can be found at: vintagekramer.com They have a wealth of information, including serial numbers, model variations, specifications and even company history. They don't have everything on every model, but it's a great place to start! Hope it helps.
Kramer - Gibson Brands Forums
Jul 28, 2024 · Which lacquer on new Kramer guitars? By Lexal ... #1 KRAMER GUITAR BUILT ON THE ASSEMBLEY LINE FORMALLY ...
Love my Kramer guitars! - Kramer - Gibson Brands Forums
Dec 17, 2016 · I usually write in the "Italy" section of this forum but I think it's good to write also here in Kramer section! In the last year I bought 2 Kramer guitars, a 84 and a Baretta Vintage, both are new models made in Korea but both after a good set up (floyd on the body and neck shimming) play like a dream! Here we go ;) The '84 The Baretta Vintage