Krill (The Orville) | Alien Species | Fandom
The Krill are an alien species that appear in The Orville, a TV series by Seth Macfarlane. They are pale skinned humanoids, with somewhat reptilian scales. It is a myth that male reproductive …
Krill | The Orville Wiki | Fandom
The Krill were an aggressive, reptilian species from a planet of the same name, located in the same quadrant of the galaxy as the Planetary Union. Krill society was ruled by an extreme …
奎尔人 - 百度百科
奎尔人(Krill)是美国科幻电视剧《奥维尔号》里的外星种族。 奎尔人是十分好战的种族,是星际联邦的最大威胁。 在奎尔人的观念里,“艾维斯”是他们信奉的宇宙中唯一的神,所有不信奉“ …
Krill (Sigma Star Saga) | Alien Species | Fandom
The Krill are a purple-skinned humanoid race who heavily utilize bio-organic technologies. They are searching for six synchronized planets, and are in a race with humanity for their discovery. …
Krell - Wikipedia
An extinct race of aliens in the 1956 science fiction film Forbidden Planet Topics referred to by the same term This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Krell .
Hive - Destinypedia, the Destiny wiki
The Hive, originally known as the Krill, are a macabre, incredibly ancient species of arthropod-like aliens hailing from the world of Fundament and aligned with the Witness and the Black Fleet. …
Krill (planet) | The Orville Wiki | Fandom
Krill was a planet and the home world of the species of the same name. The planet Krill was distinct from other habitable worlds in that it was permanently shrouded by a dense cloud …
Category:Species | The Orville Wiki | Fandom
The unnamed alien species was one of the first aliens created for the show. In November, 2016, Howard Berger - then make-up department head - dressed Dirk Rogers as the alien and …
Troubled Times: Omnipotent Krlll - ZetaTalk
We then received our first Alien Ambassador from outer space whose name and title were "His Omnipotent Highness Krill", (pronounce "Krill"). In the American tradition of disdain for royal …
The Krill Papers - The Shadowlands
TECHNOLOGY AND INTERACTION WITH ALIEN CULTURES by O.H. KRILL The Men in Black All things considered, UFO research has become pretty much of a circus today, and the most …