Panzer 38 (t) - Wikipedia
The Panzerkampfwagen 38(t), originally known as the Českomoravská Kolben-Daněk (ČKD) LT vz. 38, was a tank designed during the 1930s, which saw extensive service during World War II. [3] Developed in Czechoslovakia by ČKD, the type was adopted by Nazi Germany following the German occupation of Czechoslovakia . [ 3 ]
Tanque Ligero 38/39M (Praga LTP in Peruvian Service)
Sep 24, 2022 · The LTP or Tanque Ligero Peru was a Czechoslovak export tank which served in the Peruvian Army during WW2 and the Cold War.
Peruvian Army and the LT vz 38 Tanks - Defensionem
After a territorial dispute with Colombia in 1932 ended badly, Peru decided it needed armour. They imported 24 Praga LTP from Czechoslovakia, essentially a variant of the LT vz 38. Renamed Tanque Ligero 38/39M in Peruvian service, the tanks were put to good use against Ecuador as early as 1941.
For the Record: LTP (Tanque 39) - the Peruvian legend - Blogger
Apr 6, 2013 · Peru did not need a battle tank designed to take on hordes of incoming Panzers, rather than a nimble quick vehicle with enough firepower to knock out enemy infantry strongpoints and of course to serve as a COIN vehicle (counter-insurgency). LTP offered a perfect blend of those parameters.
Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) - panzernet.net
Členové komise si vyslechli zprávu shrnující průběh dosavadních testů, prohlédli si tank při ukázkové jízdě a poté jednomyslně schválili jeho zařazení do výzbroje Československé armády pod označením lehký tank vzor 38, neboli LT vz. 38. V té chvíli činil celkový nájezd prototypu úctyhodných 7740 kilometrů!
What’s the coolest fact you know about the Panzer 38(t)
Peru had a special export version of the pre-war ČKD LT vz.38 called the LTP by the Czechs, Lehký Tank Peru (Light Tank Peru), and Tanque Ligero 38/39M by the Peruvians.
Perú: Tanque ligero 38/39M, Praga LTP - Blogger
Cuando el prototipo entró en construcción, los tanques pasaron a llamarse Praga LTP, que significa Lehký Tank Peru. En Perú, se conocía como Tanque Ligero 38/39M (Eng. Light Tank Model 38/39). Diseño. El diseño del LTP era muy similar al del LT vz.38 TNH.
LT vz. 38 / PzKpfW 38(t) (SdKfz 140) Light Tank - Military Factory
Jul 15, 2016 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the LT vz. 38 / PzKpfW 38(t) (SdKfz 140) Light Tank including pictures.
FDRA - Fuerza Terrestre: Perú: Tanque ligero 38/39M, Praga LTP
Luego de una serie de negociaciones y pruebas, Perú adquirió 24 carros livianos Praga LTP, los cuales fueron utilizados por primera vez durante el golpe de Estado de 1938. Posteriormente, en 1941, los vehículos tuvieron su primera acción de combate y …
LT vz. 38 : Československo (CZK) - Valka.cz
LT vz. 38 ("314") slovenské armády bojově nasazený na východní frontě během 2. světové války. Nemecké Pzkpfw 38t ukoristené Červenou armádou. Stroje sú navagónované na ruských štvorosých vagónoch s nosnosťou 60 t. Za pozornosť stoja ruské hviezdy na prednej časti korby a na veži, maľované s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou bielou farbou.