‘LatCrit’ stands for ‘Latina/o Critical Theory’ — one among several ‘outsider’ strands of contemporary ‘perspective’ jurisprudence in the United States.1 Today, the ‘LatCrit’ approach to law and theory, to justice and society, includes a collection of principles and practices that have been assembled
About LatCrit
Building on this “bottoms up” approach of critical outsider jurisprudence, LatCrit seeks to sharpen the social relevance of critical theorizing, to promote theory as a catalyst for social transformation.
LatCrit Primers – LatCrit
scholarship and centering questions of culture, nation and power in LatCrit discourse. The third Volume of the LatCrit Primer provided a historical overview of the development of LatCrit legal theory by publishing the Forewords and Afterwords of the various LatCrit Symposia.
LatCrit – Latina & Latino Critical Legal Theory
May 27, 2001 · LatCrit is a group of legal scholars working in critical legal studies, feminist legal theory, critical race theory, critical race feminism, Asian American legal scholarship and queer theory. Click “Learn More” below to read about Latcrit!
knowledge and principles generated during LatCrit's twelve-year development to expose hegemonic forces at work in less obvious, less overtly-political contexts, and further operationalizing the conceptual tenets of a truly complex multi-dimensional identity theory.
LatCrit IX that racial politics and progressive efforts were not about self-serving and essentialist agendas but rather about fighting against subordination and unfair privilege in whatever forms they might take.
LatCrit emerged out of a critical legal tradition within the U.S. legal academy that can be traced back to the early cha-llenges to formalism posed by legal realists.2 There have been at least four interrelated tenets that have been central to the LatCrit …
The LatCrit-ClassCrits-SALT Faculty Development Workshop (FDW) is designed for those who are planning to enter or who have recently joined the legal academy. This day-long workshop includes
LatCrit XII Program Schedule for the Twelfth Annual LatCrit Conference (AND RELATED EVENTS) Critical Localities: Epistemic Communities, Rooted Cosmopolitans, New Hegemonies, and Knowledge Processes October 4-6, 2007 Alexander Hotel Miami Beach, Florida Sponsored By Florida International University, College of Law Co-Sponsored By Thomson-West
4 To view the LatCrit IX Call for Papers, please visit the LatCrit website http://www.latcrit.org. 5 OutCrit positionality is framed around the need to confront in collective and coordinated ways the mutually-reinforcing tenets and effects of two sociological macro-structures that currently operate both domestically and internationally: