Lazare Diamond - Cut
Using an exacting mathematical formula, our master cutters create each Lazare Diamond with astounding precision. The result: unparalleled beauty and grace, maximizing the coveted …
Lazare Diamond - Why Lazare?
Ideal Cut. A Lazare Diamond ensures optimal brilliance, scintillation, and fire. Light is reflected from facet to facet and comes back through the top in a rainbow blaze. Shallow Cut. In a …
Lazare Diamond - Welcome to Lazare Diamonds
welcome to the scintillating beauty of the lazare diamond®. Founded in 1903, Lazare Kaplan International Inc. has become the premier diamond - cutting company in the world. Its tradition …
Every LAZARE® diamond is ideal-cut. When a diamond is ideally cut, light rays from all sides are bent towards the center of the diamond and are reflected back through the top in a blaze of …
Lazare Kaplan International - Wikipedia
LKI's main business activity is cutting and polishing "ideal-cut" and "fine make" diamonds, which it sells to upscale retail jewelers throughout the world. Some of these diamonds are distributed …
World’s Greatest Diamond Cutters: Lazare Kaplan - Brilliance Blog
This formula determined the precise angles and proportions necessary to give the diamond the ability to optimally reflect and refract light, giving the stone the maximum amount of sparkle, …
Buy Lazare Kaplan Signature Ideal Cut Diamond Jewelry @ Best …
Lazare Kaplan is the original creator of the Ideal cut, a mathematical formula designed to optimise the brilliance, fire and sparkle in a polished diamond. Every Lazare Kaplan Signature Ideal Cut …
The Lazare Diamond - Royal Jewelers | Fargo
Mar 24, 2017 · Lazare diamonds are all cut to the ideal cut. The ideal cut is a mathematical formula for cutting diamonds to precise angles and proportions to get the absolute best look. …
The Jonker - Wikipedia
After contemplating the diamond for almost a year, Winston chose Lazare Kaplan to study the Jonker diamond. [5] Lazare Kaplan was chosen to cut the diamond into several gemstones. [6] …
Lazare Diamond
Every Lazare Diamond is cut to the strictest standard for ideal proportions guaranteeing you a diamond of unsurpassed beauty and value. No other diamond offers the beauty, value and …