Lega People | Culture, History and art of the Lega People - African Art
The Lega people are an ethnic group located in the Southeast Democratic Republic of Congo known for their unique and stunning art form and heritage. Their pieces of art have been highly valued by collectors worldwide.
Lega: Art at the service of ancestors and initiation
Jul 5, 2021 · Expert in African art and antiques, introduce us to the traditional art of the Lega in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Masks, statues and other objects are sculpted and used as part of the Bwami, initiatory society.
Lega "masks" fall into the category of Bwami initiation objects. The Lega further divide them into five types according to material, size, and form: lukwakongo, kayam-ba, idimu, muminia, and lukungu (Biebuyck 1973,164).
ART LEGA | Description et signification du symbolisme des objets …
Elle permit à des chercheurs mais aussi à des collectionneurs, marchands d'art africain et responsables de salles de ventes de se documenter et de mieux comprendre la culture de ces ethnies Warega et Wabembe, à travers leurs remarquables objets axés sur le symbolisme, reflet de leur philosophie.
All Lega art is used within the context of the bwami society. Originally Lega art was primarily wooden, but little by little, ivory came into use. Later many works were made of this material that allowed more complex and refined forms and a beautiful patina.
Lega | Daniel P. Biebuyck
THE LEGA CULTURE CLUSTER. A synthesis of the ethnic groups constituting the Lega culture cluster : Lega Culture Cluster; LEGA ART. A discussion on the status of Lega art in published literature: Sense and Nonsense final version; Lega sculptures in the Beiankuku rites: Beiankuku rites; THE MUBILA EPIC (Lega, DRC, 1953)
Lega People from Congo and Their Art | Gallery Preira
Jan 22, 2022 · For the Lega, physical beauty and moral excellence are inseparable. The dotted-circle motifs on many Lega works represent body markings, which enhance both the carvings and the characters they depict.
Tribal art Lega, art items of the Lega ethny
Tribal art - Lega: Among the Léga, the society of the Bwami open to men and women, organized the social and political life. There were up to seven levels of initiation, each associated with emblems. Following their exodus from Uganda in the 17th century, the Lega settled on the west bank of the Lualaba River in the DRC.
African art Lega, art items of the Lega ethny - La Porte Dogon EN
African art - Lega: Among the Lega, the Bwami society, open to men and women, organised social and political life. There were up to seven levels of initiation, each associated with emblems. Following their exodus from Uganda in the 17th century, the Lega settled on the west bank of the Lualaba River in the DRC.
Art Africain Traditionnel : les Lega
Aug 4, 2023 · Pour en connaître davantage sur cette ethnie, son histoire, l’organisation, la société en son sein, ses croyances, ses cultes et ses traditions ainsi que l’art qui en résulte, consultez l’étude thématique sur les Lega de notre partenaire.