Is "less good" acceptable? - English Language & Usage Stack …
Oct 14, 2015 · So I suppose if OLD can use less good, so can we. Still, when comparing two good things I would say: A 90% score is good, but not as good as 100%. My admittedly foreign ears …
What are words like "excellent, good, great, perfect" called?
Feb 10, 2015 · Is there a specific term for these kinds of words that describe the quality of a particular act or object? Besides adjective? Examples: Perfect Excellent Great Good Bad Poor …
How do you handle "that that"? The double "that" problem
Sep 25, 2010 · Personally, more often than not, I don't find a double "that" to be distracting or leading to confusion at all. Quite the contrary: it is a) perfectly self-explanatory and b) it …
"to advocate" vs "to advocate for" - English Language & Usage …
Nov 16, 2019 · Many readers balk when the verb is used to express the same meaning in an intransitive form with the preposition "for": less than half (45 percent) of the Panel approved of …
word choice - Use of "whatever" vs "whatsoever" - English …
Jun 7, 2012 · Though I am a novice in this forum, I would like to take a shot at this. Dude, I have to say this is a great question, as this really touches the psychology of the English language in …
English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their …
What is a good way to remind someone to reply to your email?
It depends on what the relationship is like with the recipient. If you are fairly friendly you can be less formal. Assuming you include the e-mail you are referring to in some way, you might say: …
Base on vs based on - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Dec 1, 2015 · On the other hand, you may be considered wrong by a listener if you use "base" as an intransitive verb, even though this latter construction is supported by dictionary examples. …
meaning - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Feb 15, 2012 · Wikipedia discusses "revenge is a dish best served cold":. The proverb suggests that revenge is more satisfying as a considered response enacted when unexpected, or long …
What is the difference between log in, sign in; register, sign up; log ...
Dec 3, 2014 · All of these words are more-or-less synonyms. "Login"/"logon" may or may not be acceptable (check your style guide). If they are, they may be nouns instead of verbs (referring …