Leucite - Wikipedia
Leucite (from the Greek word leukos meaning white) is a rock -forming mineral of the feldspathoid group, silica-undersaturated and composed of potassium and aluminium tectosilicate KAlSi 2 O 6. [4]
Leucite: Mineral information, data and localities.
Leucite is common in some volcanic rocks in which it crystallises with a cubic crystal structure at high temperature (ca. 900°C). Upon cooling to 700-600°C, it transforms into a tetragonal modification which is stable at room temperature and forms characteristic polysynthetic twin …
Leucite | Physical - Optical Properties, Uses, Occurrence & More...
Apr 23, 2023 · Leucite is a rather rare mineral, occurring only in igneous rocks, usually in the recent lavas; rarely observed in deepseated rocks. Found in rocks in which the amount of silica in the magma was insufficient to combine with the potassium to form feldspar.
Leucite: The mineral leucite information and pictures
Leucite is a member of the feldspathoid group, forming directly from cooling lava in volcanic rock. It forms in low- silica environments where little Quartz is present. When Leucite forms at high temperatures, it crystallizes as isometric crystals in trapezohedral crystal form.
Leucitite Meanings and Crystal Properties - The Crystal Council
Leucitite, also known as Leucite, is an aluminum potassium silicate mineral and member of the Feldspathoid family of minerals. It crystallizes in the form of isometric crystals that can transform into pseudocubic crystals upon natural cooling ( rarely can Leucite be seen in mass formation).
Leucite | Volcanic, Igneous, Crystalline | Britannica
leucite, one of the most important feldspathoid minerals, a potassium aluminosilicate (KAlSi 2 O 6). It occurs only in igneous rocks, particularly potassium-rich, silica-poor, recent lavas.
Leucite is common in some volcanic rocks in which it crystallises with a cubic crystal structure at high temperature (ca. 900°C), forming isometric trapezohedral crystals. Upon cooling to 700-600°C, it transforms into a tetragonal modification which is stable at room temperature, and forms characteristic polysynthetic twin lamellae.
Leucite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
May 8, 2023 · Leucite is a white to gray stone that’s rare as a gem but important in dentistry. It has unusual, intriguing optical properties. Learn all about leucite prices, properties, history, and more!
Leucite - Clark Science Center
Leucite's low birefringence, crystal habit and twinning differentiate it from analcime and microcline. Analcine also has higher indices of refraction and microcline has greater birefringence and …
Leucite Mineral Data
Leucite Comments: Large single crystal of dark gray leucite. Location: Roccamonfina, Caserta Province, Campania, Italy. Scale: 20x20x20 mm. © John Betts - Fine Minerals