LGI Wines - Tradition & innovation
LGI WINES is a French wine company based in Carcassonne in the south of France. We are experts in wines from the South: Gascony, Languedoc and Provence. We are export specialists (presents in more than 40 countries), with recent development in France.
Why work with us - LGI Wines
Working with our producers for 25 years in a long-term partnership, LGI is heavily involved in all aspects of growing and production, from setting the harvest date through to bottling. We thus guarantee consistent quality throughout the year and from one vintage to the next.
Contact LGI Wines
545 avenue Georges Guille 11000 Carcassonne – France 33 (o)4 68 11 93 11 33 (o)4 68 77 83 77 [email protected]
LGI Wines legal notice
Hébergeur : OVH SAS – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 ROUBAIX. 2. Conditions générales d’utilisation du site et des services proposés ... LGI WINES. 545 avenue Georges Guille 11000 Carcassonne – France 33 (o)4 68 11 93 11 33 (o)4 68 77 83 77 [email protected]. Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume with moderation. SITE MAP ...
Les valeurs d'LGI Wines
LGI est une société de négoce présentant un business model atypique : être à l’écoute des clients, donc du marché, et adapter l’offre à la demande : faire des vins sur-mesure, tant en termes de qualité qu’en termes de packaging.
MailPoet Page – LGI Wines
545 avenue Georges Guille 11000 Carcassonne – France 33 (o)4 68 11 93 11 33 (o)4 68 77 83 77 [email protected]
Vintage - LGI Wines
545 avenue Georges Guille 11000 Carcassonne – France 33 (o)4 68 11 93 11 33 (o)4 68 77 83 77 [email protected]
LGI won Best Producer “Still Wine” for the third year in a row
LGI is proud to be granted Best Producer 2019 in the “Still Wine” category by the Berliner Wein Trophy, the World's Largest OIV Wine Competition!
Let’s meet at Vinisud, Montpellier
Recent posts. Prowein 2023: we will be there! 31 January 2023 See you at Wine Paris 2023! 13 December 2021 Best Producer “Still Wine” France – 2021 BWT 9 December 2021; 2021: one of the hardest vintages on record, but still full of hope 9 December 2021
The 2019 Vintage profile: Solar and Promising - lgiwines.com
Nov 21, 2023 · 2019 will go down in memory as a “heat-wave vintage”. Marked by a lack of water in almost all the French wine regions, it will be remembered for its high quality, but relatively low yields.