City of Lincoln City, OR | Home
About Lincoln City! We are located on the scenic Oregon Coast. Bordered by 680-acre Devils Lake and the Coast Range on the east, and the Pacific Ocean on the west. We have 7½ miles …
Visitors | City of Lincoln City, OR
From old growth Sitka forests to seven miles of sandy beach, and everything between, we’re here to help you explore and enjoy Lincoln City. Visit our dedicated website for visitors to Lincoln City.
About Lincoln City | City of Lincoln City, OR
Lincoln City boasts 7½ miles of beautiful, clean sandy beaches, with the Salmon River and Cascade Head to the north, and the Siletz Bay and Siletz Bay National Wildlife Refuge to the …
Local History | City of Lincoln City, OR
Use the resources below to download the history documents for each of Lincoln City's Pearls. For more on the history of Lincoln City, visit the North Lincoln County Historical Museum (NLCHM).
Ciudad de Lincoln City, Oregón | Hogar
¡Acerca de la ciudad de Lincoln! Estamos ubicados en la pintoresca costa de Oregón. Limita con el lago Devils de 680 acres y la Cordillera Costera al este, y el Océano Pacífico al oeste. …
Police Department | City of Lincoln City, OR
The mission of the Lincoln City Police Department, through a close partnership with our community, is to maintain human rights, protect persons and property, and address citizen …
Public Meetings | City of Lincoln City, OR
Project Update: ODOT Lincoln City Hwy 101 Curb Ramps Project has begun work in Lincoln City. Click here to go to ODOT project webpage for more information . Due to system software …
Statistics | City of Lincoln City, OR
Lincoln City is a city located in Lincoln County Oregon. Lincoln City will have an estimated 2024 population of 10,376. Lincoln City is currently growing at a rate of 1.31% annually and its …
Departments | City of Lincoln City, OR
These Departments have a Department Head and staff that serve under them to provide City services, goods, infrastructure and support to City of Lincoln City residents, visitors and …
Master Plans/System Plans | City of Lincoln City, OR
Project Update: ODOT Lincoln City Hwy 101 City Curb Ramps Project has begun work in Lincoln City. Click here to go to ODOT project webpage for more information . Due to system software …