Dee-Lish® - Star® Roses and Plants
A tall Hybrid Tea Rose with a strong fragrance of verbena and citrus. It has a large, deep pink, non-fading bloom. Dee-Lish® is also a multiple award winner in Europe for disease resistance …
Dee-Lish® – Heirloom Roses
Dee-Lish® is an award-winning rose with a magnificent scent! A tall Hybrid Tea, she produces 4" deep fuchsia pink blooms in an old-fashioned shape that resist fading in the sun. Dee-Lish® …
Dee-Lish - High Country Roses
Dee-Lish is a tall Hybrid Tea rose with an old fashioned flower and a very strong fragrance of verbena and citrus. It has a large, deep pink non-fading bloom, and it makes for an excellent …
Dee-Lish® Hybrid Tea Rose - Jackson & Perkins
A hybrid tea rose, Dee-Lish® flowers in continuous waves over a long season, typically from late spring to late fall. Borne singly, the large, cupped, old-fashioned double blooms have 35 to 40 …
Dee-Lish® - Antique Rose Emporium
'Dee-Lish' aside from being a specimen garden rose it is also an excellent cutting rose. The six foot, upright shrub is also know to have good disease resistance. The strongly scented, deep …
About Dee-Lish® - Grace Rose Farm (Rose Bushes)
About Dee-Lish® A vigorous bloomer with a strong citrus fragrance and intense deep pink petals, what's not to love? The tall, upright hybrid tea continually produces 4" blooms and has won …
Rosa Dee-Lish® (Hybrid Tea Rose) - Gardenia
Noted for its outstanding fragrance, award-winning Rosa Dee-Lish® is a striking Hybrid Tea rose with large, 4 in. across (10 cm), fully double, cupped, deep pink flowers, closely packed with …
Rose, Hybrid Tea, Dee-Lish®, Hybrid Tea Roses: Edmunds' Roses
Very dark buds spiral open to reveal old-fashioned, cupped and quartered blooms in an exuberant shade of nonfading, deep pink. The semi-glossy, green foliage carries an award-winning level …
'Dee-Lish' rose Description - helpmefind.com
Strong, citrus, rose fragrance. 50 to 55 petals. Average diameter 4". Large, full (26-40 petals), borne mostly solitary, in small clusters, cupped bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the …
Dee-Lish Rose (Rosa 'Meiclusif') at Green Thumb Nursery
This sensual, deep pink, non-fading rose has velvety petals and a strong verbena and citrus scent; blooms are carried on a tall sturdy stems; should be deadheaded regularly; an excellent …