10 Deities of Litha: Summer Solstice Gods and Goddesses
Mar 25, 2018 · It is on this day, sometimes called Litha, that there is more daylight than any other time; a direct counterpoint to the darkness of Yule. No matter where you live, or what you call it, chances are you can connect to a culture that honored a sun deity around this time of year.
Litha - The Busy Pagan
May 11, 2024 · Litha, also known as the Summer Solstice or Midsummer, is a pagan festival celebrating the longest day of the year, usually occurring around June 20th-22nd in the Northern Hemisphere. It marks the height of the sun’s power and the beginning of the decline towards the darker half of the year.
Litha - Sacred Wicca
Litha, Summer Solstice or Midsummer is a celebration of the Goddess and God at the height of their power. They are the King and Queen of the fertile lands, and together they rule over the fertile, growing Earth. Their mature love for each other ensures the success of the ripening crops.
Litha: The Incredible History, Lore & 20 Ways to Celebrate
May 10, 2022 · Litha is also called Sun Moon S ummer Solstice, which means that the day of the full moon is at its longest length while the days grow shorter. It is not necessary that the person believes in the folklore behind Litha or in Gods and Goddesses at all.
Litha: The Midsummer Sabbat Solstice Celebration - Learn Religions
Jun 20, 2019 · Litha, or Midsummer, is a celebration of the summer solstice. Here's where you'll find all kinds of info for this summer sabbat!
The Origins and Practices of Litha | Boston Public Library - BPL
Jun 18, 2019 · Litha is a pagan holiday; one of their eight sabbats during the year. Litha (also known as Midsummer) occurs on the summer solstice, and celebrates the beginning of summer. The traditions of Litha appear to be borrowed from many cultures.
How To Celebrate Litha: Rituals, Traditions, & Ideas For The …
May 13, 2021 · Litha, also known as Midsummer, is a widely-observed pagan celebration that many historians believe has been practiced for thousands of years. One of four Celtic fire festivals, Midsummer or the summer solstice is a sabbat all about celebrating the sun.
7 Ways to Celebrate Litha - The Pagan Grimoire
May 18, 2021 · Litha is the pagan holiday and Wiccan sabbat that honors the summer solstice and the marriage of the god to the goddess. Here's how to celebrate it.
Litha Lore & Traditions - Information | Rituals | Recipes - Wicca
Litha is the summer solstice and the opposite of Yule. The Sun God has reached the moment of his greatest strength. This page includes helpful information, rituals, activities, and recipes to help you celebrate the Sabbat.
Sun Deities And The Celebration Of Litha: A Journey Through …
Feb 25, 2024 · The solar deities associated with Litha—vibrant and youthful—are powerful symbols that inspire us to awaken our inner fire and embrace the light within. Ra: The Sun God of Egypt. Ra, the venerated Egyptian sun god, symbolizes warmth, growth, and enlightenment.